New grad looking for a job......

U.S.A. Florida


hello, everyone!

I graduated with BSN in May 2013 and I just started looking for a job recently. I was in no position to find a job right away after graduation due to some family issues.

I thought this was a great time to find one because of the season but it has been just miserable so far.

I would apply to different positions for a hospital (that says 'experience preferred', not required) and I get rejections emails the next day. I am even wondering if the HR people ever read my resume... I know some people have been looking for a job for months and months and it's been only a little over one month for me but it's just so frustrating!!! :cry:

First, I was only looking at the hospitals around my area (SW florida) and since I got rejection emails from almost every position I've applied to, now I don't even mind where I go as long as it's in Florida!!

I am going to apply for every position I see including LTC, doctor's offices, residency programs and whatnots..

I just wanted to vent............ please wish me luck!!!

and anybody on this forum looking for a job in Florida, good luck!! :D

This is what I fear most when I graduate. What I see is a lot of new grads in Florida getting jobs through networking. Is there anyone you met during clinicals, etc that you might talk to about getting your foot in the door somewhere? Honestly, in most job markets these days it's more about who you know, especially as a new graduate.

This is what I fear most when I graduate. What I see is a lot of new grads in Florida getting jobs through networking. Is there anyone you met during clinicals, etc that you might talk to about getting your foot in the door somewhere? Honestly, in most job markets these days it's more about who you know, especially as a new graduate.

you are right. it's all about networking. I did talk to my preceptor in the L/D floor and she said in order to get into that hospital I have to do the residency program first. I didn't meet the director not even once because I worked nights.. :(

I'm on the hunt too! It's great that you have a BSN since every place I've applied to so far has had a preference for BSN grads. Did you try your luck in Orlando yet?

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