New grad - should I go right into psych???


I decided before I even started nursing school that I wanted to be a psych nurse. I am hearing impaired and find Med/Surg very overwhelming noisewise and as much as I have an amplified stethoscope, it is taking it's told pulling the aids out and telling the patient that I can't hear them when they are out. It is very stressful, and I fear one of these days, pulling the aids out as much as I have to on a Med/Surg unit that I am going to lose them. My psych rotation was wonderful. My hearing aids stayed in and the floor was basically very quiet. The patients and staff were great. There is a psych hospital near my home that offers programs for new grads, with outstanding results!!! I'd like to hear from "seasoned" nurses as to whether they feel a year or 2 in med/surg is warranted in being a psych nurse. With the shortage, I was told by my instructors that the sky is the limit in nursing, and we don't need to "pay our dues" in Med/Surg before we go on to a speciality. I am also 50 years old, not too old, but also not very young! :rolleyes:

Specializes in Progressive Care Unit/Observation, Critical Care.
I decided before I even started nursing school that I wanted to be a psych nurse. I am hearing impaired and find Med/Surg very overwhelming noisewise and as much as I have an amplified stethoscope, it is taking it's told pulling the aids out and telling the patient that I can't hear them when they are out. It is very stressful, and I fear one of these days, pulling the aids out as much as I have to on a Med/Surg unit that I am going to lose them. My psych rotation was wonderful. My hearing aids stayed in and the floor was basically very quiet. The patients and staff were great. There is a psych hospital near my home that offers programs for new grads, with outstanding results!!! I'd like to hear from "seasoned" nurses as to whether they feel a year or 2 in med/surg is warranted in being a psych nurse. With the shortage, I was told by my instructors that the sky is the limit in nursing, and we don't need to "pay our dues" in Med/Surg before we go on to a speciality. I am also 50 years old, not too old, but also not very young! :rolleyes:

Always need psych nurses...more power to ya sister!


I am also 50 years old and graduating in april/06 with a BSN. Where are you located? I am from Canada and like psyche nursing as well. I can live anywhere in the States so that isn't a problem but want to hook up with a good hospital to start......any suggestions?

There are several older threads here where that question has been discussed at length -- you could search and review them, and get a lot of opinions about the pros and cons.

Best wishes for your education and future!

Go for it!! I loved my psych rotation in school and considered it before going to the OR. Med-surg is not a pre-req for psych. The new grad program will teach you all you need to know. That's why they are called new-grad programs!

To Twigloo:

I am from Massachusetts. McLean Hospital is one of the country's finest psychiatric hospitals. It is a teaching hospital affiliated with Harvard University. Here is their website Good luck to you!


Go for it. If you decide you want to do med-surg later, there's enough of a shortage that some hospital will train you well. For now, why not do what you love?

I am also a hearing impaired nurse. I went right into psych from nursing school 12 years ago and never regretted it. Good Luck!

Here's my plan...

I am starting my second year in an ASN program (will grad May 07 if all goes well), and I am seriously considering going right on (while working as a new nurse) to an MSN program that's newly opening a CNS component starting in September. I'm thinking now that I'd like to do burns/wounds...Anyone out there who has done something similar and can share pros/cons? Or any other considered opinions? Thanks for's great to have input from folks who love the profession and can help each other out.

OOPS! Just realized that I may have posted in the wrong place...should this have been a new thread? I apologize.

Specializes in RN Psychiatry.
To Twigloo:

I am from Massachusetts. McLean Hospital is one of the country's finest psychiatric hospitals. It is a teaching hospital affiliated with Harvard University. Here is their website Good luck to you!


I did my synthesis at McLeans its an awesome hospital and the role of the nurse there seems very valued. I loved every minute of it. The only downside is the hospital has lower pay than surrounding hospitals... however despite that none of the nurses ever want to leave... so...

Specializes in L&D,OR.

I went straight into L&D after nursing school, then high risk L&D for 7 years. Not until I moved to a small hospital doing OR did I branch out and discover all the many talents I possessed. There I learned conscious sedation, Pacu, Outpatient, and endoscopy, as well as circulating. Now I am doing plastics, which I love! Keep an open mind, there is so much to learn.

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