New to Excelsior College...confused...need advise please

Nursing Students Excelsior


I am an LPN (6 years, LTC) I filled out the application to Excelsior College last week. They have received my transcripts. I was all set to study for and test out of Health Safety, because I noticed that as of Oct. 1 that test will not be able to be taken prior to enrolling, so I thought I would get it out of the way.

I called Excelsior College this morning and talked to the Admissions office....I told her my plan of getting Health Safety out of the way, she said that because I still needed A&P, Micro and Life Span that I should not do Health Safety first. I then asked her if Straigtherline A&P with Lab would be transferrable. She said that she could not gaurantee anything because things change all the time, and that until I was an enrolled student that no one at Excelsior could answer that question for me. She did say that she thought it was accepted in the past. I have been reading the All Nurses Posts for awhile and I know that I saw that one student said that they were told it was accepted, then I saw another post where that person was told is was not accepted.

I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place. I really wanted to get the gen eds and the two nursing classes out of the way prior to enrolling to save money. She suggested that I start with Sociology. I'm now frustrated and confused about what to do. I have been looking at Excelsior for a few years and every time I try to get started I run into this.

Please help. Has anyone used Straighterline A&P with Lab recently and been able to transfer to Excelsior? Is it a good idea to not do Health Safety first? Also, has anyone used the video series from "RN"? If so, how did you like it? Thank you

For microbiology try to get vangonotes! They are great along with any microbiology book, I tested out 2 weeks ago and I got an 'A'. I can say what helped me the most was the Vangonotes.

hey annie i will be starting with A&P next month and am wondering how you did on the A&P exam and would appreciate some advice on study tactics. I got the study guide and will rent the textbook. Thanks

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