Published Jun 26, 2015
1 Post
I live in Georgia and wanted to sign up for the cna course this fall, but I would be moving to Florida right after. Is it possible to get the certificate in ga then apply for license in fl without having to work in ga for a certain amount of time or should I just wait until next semester and take the classes in fl? I wanted to have my certificate before I moved so I could start working as a cna right after moving. Has anyone gone through something similar? Thanks :)
1,001 Posts
It would all depend on the rules that Florida would have for transferring your CNA. Some States want you to take their States test, so you would have to take Gerorgia's state test to get your CNA and possibly have to take Florida's as well.
Also if you don't want to work in Georgia anyways and if you can hold off I think it would be a lot easier on yourself to just wait till you are in Florida and take the class there. It might save you the big hassel to do transfer. Remember the class is usually only around 6 weeks and then after testing you might be able to start working 2 short months after getting to Florida
cdsavannah59, CNA
244 Posts
Word of advise. Don't take CNA at a community college if they have more then one semester required, they have so many classes to take that it could take a few semesters if only going part time.