New AGNP-C seeking career advice

Specialties NP


Greetings all,

I have been a nurse for about 7 years, and I recently completed my MSN as an adult-gero primary care NP. I finished in August and had some family issues that kept me from searching the job market in earnest for about a month after graduation. I have a diverse clinical background which includes med-surg, neuro, ortho, and for the last couple years I've been working at an academic medical center in psychiatry. A lot of my experience has been with agitated neuro/psych patients. I didn't feel particularly called to do the PMHNP program so I did adult-gero instead. I enjoy the patient population, did fairly well in my program, joined sigma theta tau, and expected to quickly land a job after graduation.

That hasn't exactly happened...

I've applied for so many jobs I've lost count, had two promising interviews that quickly moved into second interviews, and then they kind of fizzled out. I'm learning that this can be typical for new grad NPs, but I'm only working flexi, and as an adjunct for my local SON st the moment. My wife is able to float the cost of living, but it's time for me find gainful employment once again. I can't relocate permanently, but I'm open to the idea of doing locum tenens on a temporary basis, but hate the idea of being away from my kids. I've got a couple ideas, and I thought I might bounce them off the knowledgeable folks here.

1. Keep applying and wait it out.

2. Make a lateral move and apply for some FT MSN type RN jobs. (Worried that this could be career suicide). Considering working as an RN in something that supports my resume more than psychiatry (geriatrics, palliative, hospice).

3. Return to school for a second MSN. Considering ACNP or PMHNP. It would only take a year, my employer would pay for school if I went back to work as an RN for them full time. Which would be the more desirable degree given current market conditions and my primary care AGNP degree?

4. Get a DNP. Would only take a couple years and would probably land me a full time teaching gig. Might make me stand out in the job market a little more.

5. Your advice.

Im in uncharted territory here. Any and all suggestions are welcome.




It took a while but I found a job. I'm doing gerontology and podiatry in a number of long-term care facilities in my area. I'm still learning, but so far it's going well.

Specializes in Assistant Professor, Nephrology, Internal Medicine.

HMC- what region are you located in?

Wow OP. I'm exactly in your position, but still haven't landed anything yet. Everybody wants experience, and living in SoFLo many places want you to be fluent in spanish. I passed my boards in September, and Sent out my first application on October 20th. Any words of advice OP? I also did adult/gero, been working as a nurse for 7 years. Never had experience in Psych though. Thoughts appreciated, Thanks.


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