Spring Valley Hospital Interview

U.S.A. Nevada


I have an interview at Spring Valley tomorrow and was wondering if anyone had interviewed there or anywhere recently....... How was the interview - what type of questions did they ask you - the typical ones or more clinical situations or what???

This is my first interview for nursing so I dont know what to expect.... :uhoh3:

thank you! You should call the nurse recruiter at Spring Valley today since I declined the offer yesterday. I'm having a bit of a dilemma about that actually. Its been really bothering me. I hope you can give me some insight.

I was interviewed at Spring Valley Hospital two days ago as well, it was on Tuesday, the same day I signed the contract at Summerlin. I did not cancel my interview at Spring Valley when I accepted the job offer at Summerlin a day before my interview with Spring Valley because I thought it was too late for me to cancel, and because I wanted to have more options in case the offer at Summerlin does not push through. You see, I was promised a job at Summerlin since July and it has been delayed for a long time so I was having doubts about the offer, so I wanted to have more options. But then this created a problem when I was offered the position at Spring Valley the day after I was interviewed by them. The nurse recruiter told me that she was about to extend the offer to me, but then she saw in their system that I already accepted a job offer at Summerlin Hospital last Monday, the day before my interview with Spring Valley.

She was disappointed because she said they could have selected another candidate for the interview if they knew that I already had a job offer. I did apologize though and I explained to her why I opted to attend the interview anyway.

Will this affect my job hunting in the future? Will I have a bad record in their facility now? I'm a bit worried because I really liked the managers at Spring Valley. If they offered me the job sooner I would've taken it. I would really appreciate your insight on this.

I hope you'll get a job offer soon as well!! Ill keep my fingers crossed! Im sure you will do great!

Please don't worry about the whole Spring Valley incident. You have a job! Wahhhhoooo! In a market like this, that is something to be excited about! Plus, you plan on staying at Summerlin for a while, right??? The interviews have seen situations like this before, and will see this happen again. It is TUFF out there for us new grads, and no one can blam you for what happened. Shoot - I would have done the same thing! The job hunting is not over until you sign a contract!

I have tried to call both Spring Valley & Summerlin with no success. My ER job at Valley has said "Forwarded to HM" for 2 weeks now and Spring Valley's for a week. I WANT AN INTERVIEW!!! I just want to cry! I have applied everywhere and I am loosing hope.

Congrats again! This is wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank youuuuu!!I feel better now.. I kept leaving messages on the nurse recruiter's voicemail and I sent her an email as well I think thats how I got an interivew. Let me know if you want her name and number and ill email it to u or pm. But I dont think I can pm on here just yet. Ill try though! Dont give up!! It will come!!!!

I sent you a PM. I hope it worked. I have never done that before!

CONGRATS, your an employed nurse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you, please, advise me if you have any information. I am applying to both Desert Springs and Spring Valley hospitals. I tried to google reviews about these hospitals (moved from Michigan, have no idea where to start). It looks like there were a lot of negative reviews about Desert Springs and some positive about Spring Valley. Tomorrow I am going to pass some test for Desert Springs, but I have a lot of doubt about accepting a job offer (if one is going to be offered...) Need HELP!!!

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