Net Test??


Hello everyone. I am just wondering how many people took the NET test and didnt make it the first time. I have the study guide and find some of the Comprehension part to be a little confusing, where I think I have the right answer and it is wrong. I am taking the test in 2 weeks and am slightly nervous..

I took it several years ago and found it quite easy. I scored very high, and i am no means a scholar. If you have done your pre-reqs for nursing, taken a math class........You'll do fine. I did not study, as i was told the same thing im telling you.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Dialysis.

Hi Brandy119,

I took the NET in March, the reading comprehension part is pretty tough, they only give you 30 minutes to answer 33 ?'s based on a 3-4 reading passages. The passages are longer on the test then on in the review guide. The ?'s are the same, like what is the main idea, inferences, conclusions, etc.

My suggestion is to not only look at the review guide but make sure you try to improve your reading speed, the reading section goes really fast and the faster you can read and comprend the better you will do.

I did not score very high on the comprehension section but I was able to score well on the rest of the test and my grades are good so I was accepted to the RN program I applied for.

Good luck! You will do great! :)

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