Neonatal NP??

Nursing Students NP Students


I just started NP school but have determined I wish for my focus to be on Neonatal. Are there any NNPs out there that can offer any advice or tips? I will have to finish NP school and then go for my specialty. School suggestions? I looked into UMKC as I live in MO but I want to hear from those that have completed their NNP specialty. I feel this is where I am meant to be and truly want to make a difference in these families lives.

Thanks so much

Specializes in Perinatal/neonatal.
See, this is what the problem is for me though. I would LOVE to go back to school for NNP. But I can not get hired in NICU without NICU experience. I have been applying for 7 years. I know that I should have NICU experience before going back for NNP. But I am forced to keep caring for adults until someone will hire me for NICU. It sounds really easy for all to recommend here "get NICU experience first". But a lot of us are trying, and can not get hired.

Try applying for a position in the normal newborn nursery (NBN). Once you're in and have experience (my previous hospital required 6 months), then you may transition to NICU. Hope this helps!

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