Published Jul 24, 2010
40 Posts
Hi Everyone,
I'm a new grad (start Monday!!!) with a question about the Neofax book. I want to get the 2010 Neofax book to learn and take notes in as I encounter new meds. Do you think it would be worth getting it? Would it be a good resource for a new grad? I have a 40% off coupon so it would bring the price down to $24.
38 Posts
For that price, yes, just go buy it.
I wanted to buy one, along with about $1000 worth of other neonatal books, but I just couldn't afford anything. The floor I work on has a few years worth of Neofax and some reference books so I will be reading those. But if I had a 40% off coupon like you do, I would use it for a reference book instead. So I can learn more about different conditions and how to assess, what to watch for, what I don't need to be concerned with, and that sort of thing.
So where did you get the coupon anyway? :)
Thanks Birdcage...the 40% off coupon is from Borders. I know what you mean about wanting to spend $$$ on neonatal books!!!!! There are about 15 on my wish list on Amazon :-)
223 Posts
Absolutely, positively buy it. Put it near the very tip top of your list. Take it to work and each time you give a drug look up the drug, proper dosage to check that the doctor ordered a correct amount, how it works, side effects, what it is compatible with, etc. Take it home with you and review it all again. Putting drugs, diseases, treatments and such with a certain patient can make it much easier to learn these things for future babies you take care of. I still look up my drugs daily and I've been a NICU nurse for 20 years. It's one of the most important things we do and we are the last line of defense before the drug enters the baby. I can't stress the importance enough.
Wow...thank you Love2Learn! I am going to buy it tonight!
Awww niculove, you are very welcome! I know you will be very glad to have your Neofax and it will help you be the best nurse you can be. Remember though that a new edition comes out every year or so. Medicine and nursing are constantly changing and updating so please think ahead and realize that you will need to plan to spend the money each year or so to buy a new one. Some hospitals supply them to the units, sometimes formula reps give a couple to units, but its always best to have your very own copy. Best wishes to you!!!
prmenrs, RN
4,565 Posts
IMHO! The 2 essential books are Merenstein and Gardner (Merenstein & Gardner's Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care by Sandra Lee Gardner RN MS CNS PNP, Brian S. Carter MD FAAP, Mary I Enzman-Hines RN PhD CNS CPNP AHN-BC, and Jacinto A. Hernandez MD PhD MHA FAAP) and Neofax.
I would suggest you put some $ into ANN and/or NANN memberships before you buy more books. Also see if there is a local NANN chapter. Good place for networking.
Best wishes!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Yes, well worth it for me. I like the fact that I can highlight infusion times, special considerations, compatability of frequently used meds/fluids rather than sit there and search through the entire page(s).
After a while, you do memorize many of them but still, it's good to be able to add notes and highlight to the pages!
Prmenrs you are so right about the Merenstein & Gardner book. I was fortunate enough to listen to a few lectures given by Sandra Gardner at A.N.N. conferences and she is awesome in every way! I'm glad that even though Dr. Merenstein passed away that Ms. Gardner will continue to be able to update their book over time.
I also totally agree with you about joining ANN and NANN if for nothing more than the timely articles in their published journals which arrive every other month... fresh, new research and information can't be beat. CEUs, discounts on books, free quidelines, conferences, patient teaching toolbox pages, etc. are all wonderful perks of being a member of both organizations. By the way, Ellen Tappero's book about Assessment of the Newborn is another great book to maybe be number 3 on the list of new nurse reading... :-D
Jessy_RN I wish you could see my NeoFax! It must look just like yours with all the highlighted parts along with my scribbles and notes. I even put little tabs on my most often used pages and have added a few blank pages to the back for extra notes I want to keep handy whether they are about drugs or other things... I'm sure we are not the only ones with highlighted and noted NeoFaxes running around NICUs in the world! :-D
Thank you so much! My copy of Neofax is ordered and should be here in a few days!
Prmenrs...thank you for the advice. I actually have 3 books already: Merenstein and Gardner (latest edition), Core Curriculum for Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (4th ed), Workbook in Practical Neonatology 3rd ed by Polin/Yoder (couldn't afford the 4th ed), and now the Neofax 2010 will be my 4th. I have been a member of NANN and my local chapter since Jan '09 and love it. I learn so much every meeting and I read the journals cover to cover.
Jessy RN - I think I will get addicted to it. My drug book from nursing school had highlights and notes all over the place, I'm sure my Neofax will be just like it over time.
Love 2 Learn - I will put Ellen Tappero's book on my list! My wish list on Amazon is getting bigger by the second .
Thanks Again!!!! :redbeathe