Published Jul 20, 2018
1 Post
So I got a needle stick because somebody didn't activate the safety device on a needle and then missed the sharps container and didn't pick up the needle. Not 100% sure but about 95% of the patient it came from. I am currently freaking out about it though and I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar situation.
Thank you!
380 Posts
Did you report it?
4 Posts
With needle sticks, you should report to charge RN and then follow through with the "exposure protocol" (it might be called a different name at your facility). This protocol applies to any hospital staff who has been exposed to body fluids in various forms (sharps, needle sticks, etc). Your unit should have package or folder with required consent forms & instructions to follow. It involves getting the client's consent for HIV & Hepatitis testing & blood collection. Then, you need to have blood sample collected by lab staff for rapid HIV testing. You have to assume it is from a patient. If I were you, report to charge RN ASAP & follow through. Good Luck
6,952 Posts
Echoing the above.
Report this immediately. You should have been given this instruction in orientation. You need to do two things: Utilize your facility's incident reporting system which will improve knowledge of this careless handling of sharps, and completely separate from that you must let admin (either CN, supervisor, manager) know right away in order to begin the process associated with the needlestick itself.
Good luck ~
(Do it right away, today).