Needing suggestions

Specialties Case Management


Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Call Center RN.

I'm not a case manager. I have been having difficulty getting one for my daughter. Anyway if anyone has suggestions on getting help with funding for a wheelchair I sure would appreciate it. My daughter will be 3 years old on 9-14, and is diagnosed with mild cp, mild mr, ataxia, she has a cyst/mass taking up the most part of her cerebellum, and a seizure disorder. Any suggestions would be helpful. My insurance is not to helpful.

How much does one cost??

I used to fund raise. $$ can come from the most unexpected places.

There are big bucks/ deep pockets in Kansas City/St. Louis.

I'd write a letter with photo. I'd make 100 copies. I'd make a list of 100 names and mail 5 every day.

This could be a crack in the door opening for you and your daughter. You & she could benefit in many ways, ways you haven't even considered....

Summer camps, education, pre -school activities, research...the best docs, private school, university.....

People can't help you if they don't know about your needs.

The country if full of philanthropists....."millions and millions"...

ask Mrs. Bush..... she probably knows a couple hundred.

Philanthropy and $ away....

and no one gets it faster than a child.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Call Center RN.

I wrote a letter to the FOX4 LoveFund, and Children's Miracle Network. How would I find these people in KC?

I recommend you contact some of the disease specific agencies like The ARC, the United Cerebral Palsy and the March of Dimes Even if they do not have resources they may have volunteers in your community who know of wheel chair resources.

If you have a University with a bioengineering degree program they may have a low cost to free resource for transportation.

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