Published May 1, 2013
610 Posts
Hi all,
Soo, I'm currently a pre-nursing major finishing up my second semester of school. Last semester I finished with a 3.56 GPA (C in math, B in PE). This semester I have 6 A's and 1 B (History).
I have a quiz and a final left to raise my grade to an A. I have been studying non-stop, but just not motivated because I'm not sure how the semester will end. I know this post has nothing to do with nursing, but the difference in my grade could affect my chances of getting accepted into nursing school at my current school or not.
PS: One more semester before I apply to nursing school, that's why this grade is so important to me.
Any words of encouragement or advice?
Thanks in advance!
203bravo, MSN, APRN
1,212 Posts
you claim that you are not motivated because you are unsure how this semester will end --- that should be even greater motivation.. you still have an excellent opportunity to pull the history to an A. You are doing great this semester, and with such a heavy course load you should be very proud of yourself.
599 Posts
Don't be so hard on yourself. Do you know if your school is a points based system or how they evaluate you getting accepted? Mine was points based. Got so many points for each grade in each class, got points for being a CNA, got points for having experience as a CNA and MA, got points for taking all my classes at my college, got points for being at my college for 6 years, got so many points for passing the NLN nursing entrance exam.. My GPA is only a 2.97 (B-). Over 350 people apply and only 30 students get accepted for this ADN program. Good luck, study hard and you can do it :)
Thanks (: I'll update you all on how the quiz goes on Thursday. Lol -- & MommaTy No, my school goes solely on GPA & last year before I even got started on my pre-reqs the average GPA for acceptance was 3.8, I'm sure it's a bit higher now so that puts more pressure on me.
Thanks for taking the time to reply guys! :)