Need suggestions from Union nurses


I'm looking for some nurses to help me dialog with concerning the "fair" way to do things. For example, calling staff to take an extra day off. Any suggestions? Thanks!

We have staff sign up for extra days off, and then it's first come first serve. If they haven't signed up, we go by seniority starting at the top.

This is an extra day off without pay. Do you start with the most senior (like it's a benefit) or the least to most senior?

This is an extra day off without pay. Do you start with the most senior (like it's a benefit) or the least to most senior?

I only recall one time that we were overstaffed and it was merely offered that if we wanted to leave early, we could. Nothing was forced and it was voluntary. First come, first served.

This is an extra day off without pay. Do you start with the most senior (like it's a benefit) or the least to most senior?

We call the most senior nurses first and offer them the day off. Many times one of them will happily take it. If it is a forced day off, that's done to the least senior but must rotate (you can't cancel the same person again and again).

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