Need Serious Advice


I am studying for my FINAL final. Graduation is in a week. I have to make a 70 to pass. I did horrible on the cardiac/critical care exam, which put me in a bad position going into the final. I am stressing! I'm studying, trying to review all of this material in an effective way. Any suggestions? I am obviously focusing on cardiac right now, but with all the lectures, notes, practice questions, etc. I'm overwhelmed and not sure what would help me the most! :eek:

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Read the chapter summaries, then review your notes for that chapter. Teach information you are shaky on to someone else to help it stick in your mind. See if there are any review videos you can watch at your school library. Get adequate sleep and nutrition. Review notes again right before going to sleep - it has been shown that the mind continues to review it in throughout the night.

And get off the Internet ;)

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

Review the course objectives, course syllabus, etc. -- anything that gives you information on exactly what it is that the instructor will emphasize on the test. A lot of students foolishly "blow off" those documents, which often contain statements that indicate what will be emphasized on the exams.

Specializes in Hospice Care, Med/Surg.

I think you should try investing in a Hurst Review in your area. I have heard many nursing students here swear by them. Good luck to you. I am def gonna invest in one when my time comes to graduate. I think it's about 200.00.

Specializes in IMCU.

Stop posting on AllNurses until after the exam? Just sayin....:D

I always made practice tests of what I thought could possibly be on the test. It takes some time but it honestly helps. Just think of questions that could be asked and study them. Don't stress out because that only makes it worse. Just breath. Either you know it or you don't. Try your best and you'll be fine.

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