Published Sep 18, 2009
11 Posts
Hi everyone. I am 1 year away from starting my 20 month clinical training to complete my BSN (there is a waiting period). I plan to go into either the Public Health Service or the Air Force. I lean more toward the latter but am thinking that the SRCOSTEP program would be extremely helpful in order to have a livable wage happening while I attend school. Does the Air Force have a program which supplies wages in addition to the tuition costs in exchange for time served after graduation? How soon can I apply? I would rather be in the Air Force than the PHS but I have yet to find this vital piece of info. Frankly, the possibility of a paycheck during school is going to make a big difference for us in re: to which path if it is at all possible.
I am in Alaska. The closest health professions recruiter is in Washington. Any thoughts on whether I should speak with the ROTC here at the University or call Washington?
Also, I have four children and a husband who works full time. Are there dependent limits for nursing students/grads with the Air Force? I know they are rather stringent for most branches.
Thank you so much.
carolinapooh, BSN, RN
3,577 Posts
You should call the health professions recruiter in Washington. When I was in nursing school in 2006-2007 (Accelerated BSN), no such program existed with the Air Force (the Navy had one), and as far as I know that's the case now - but the recruiter would know for sure.
You may have aged out of traditional ROTC, but call the nearest DET anyway.
330 Posts
I don't know of any rule about how many dependents you can have. Either me or my husband has been active for the last 18 years and I have seen MANY families with lots of children. I knew of one family that they were given 2 - not 1 but 2 houses on base due to the size of the family. Of course, that was the exception, and I think the houses were about to get torn down soon but,,,, The big thing is to make sure you husband is able to handle the kids by himself when you deploy.
Good Luck!
I missed that part of your original post. I have family in the Army, the Navy, and I'm in the AF (and I've been around the military my whole life), and I've never heard of limits on how many kids you can have. There were four in my family in the Navy, and that was thirty years ago.