Need MD fingerprinting authorization numbers


I'm licensed in PA and have a new job in MD, with 10/30 start date. I need to get a MD license. I've heard all the BON horror stories, so I don't need to rehash them. What I do need is two sets of numbers that are submitted with fingerprints: CJIS Authorization number, and FBI ORI number. I have googled these numbers, but am only getting hits on these numbers as they relate to other occupations (MD, Chiropractor, LPN, etc)- not for RN. Per the MD BON site: I email this certain email address and I'll get an automated reply with a bunch of info on it. [which I get, by the way] In that email reply that I receive, I get a link that tells me to go to this web link and print it off and take it with me to get fingerprinted, as this page has the CJIS and ORI numbers needed for the prints. However, the link that is given to me in the email is a dead link... it takes me no where. I need those numbers! If, by chance, anyone has the CJIS and ORI numbers for RN fingerprinting in MD, can you please post them here? Thanks!

Licensure by Endorsement I just followed the instructions on that page.....Guessing u will have to follow the instructions under heading 1b...... the #'s u are looking for may already be on the forms??

For the sake of anyone who may have similar problems with MD BON and find this thread in the future: the place that does the fingerprints has the needed numbers on file.

Flames 9: the problem I was having was that i couldn't get to the form in the first place. The link that took me to the page showing the numbers was a bad link. I couldn't get to the form that I was supposed to print off and take with me. (I don't know if that makes sense or not)

I figured they were on the I dont recall ever looking them up or writing them down......

I never had any issues with the MD BON.....I think it took me about 2 weeks to get my MD RN License.

Ok, another followup, just in case it helps someone...

At the time of this post, in order to apply for a license by Endorsement, I had to send an email to a specific BON email address. I received an instantaneous automated reply with directions on how to apply. One of the steps is to go to a certain website (a link is provided in the email) and print the second page. This second page has the FBI ORI, and the CJIS numbers that I needed to take along to the fingerprint office. I made multiple searches on the BON site, hoping to find these numbers. I did find that other occupations had different FBI ORI and CJIS numbers, so I wanted to be sure I got the correct numbers for my occupation. I even tried a general google search, but still no luck. Earlier in the day, I couldn't get a human being on the phone when I tried to call the fingerprint office located in MD. (I live 30 minutes away- right across PA state line) I finally did get someone to answer the phone at the end of the day. I was able to confirm that they had the FBI ORI and CJIS numbers needed for MD BON. So I went there empty handed and they pulled the numbers out of a ring binder. Hopefully they knew what they were doing! They probably got sent to the Board of Basketweaving.

If anyone finds this thread and is having similar problems. Call your closest fingerprint office and see if they can give you the numbers.

Ok, another followup, just in case it helps someone...

At the time of this post, in order to apply for a license by Endorsement, I had to send an email to a specific BON email address. I received an instantaneous automated reply with directions on how to apply. One of the steps is to go to a certain website (a link is provided in the email) and print the second page. This second page has the FBI ORI, and the CJIS numbers that I needed to take along to the fingerprint office. I made multiple searches on the BON site, hoping to find these numbers. I did find that other occupations had different FBI ORI and CJIS numbers, so I wanted to be sure I got the correct numbers for my occupation. I even tried a general google search, but still no luck. Earlier in the day, I couldn't get a human being on the phone when I tried to call the fingerprint office located in MD. (I live 30 minutes away- right across PA state line) I finally did get someone to answer the phone at the end of the day. I was able to confirm that they had the FBI ORI and CJIS numbers needed for MD BON. So I went there empty handed and they pulled the numbers out of a ring binder. Hopefully they knew what they were doing! They probably got sent to the Board of Basketweaving.

If anyone finds this thread and is having similar problems. Call your closest fingerprint office and see if they can give you the numbers.

Is this what should be followed?

I'm planning to endorse my license to MD.

Thats what I did..I was residing in MD at the time.....I had no issues...well I did 6 months later....somehow I had not paid they put a hold on my license.....not a good thing as I was suppose to work that day (got a letter in the mail) Drove to the office and handed over a check...took a few days to get cleared up.......still not exactly sure on how I had not paid enough...weird.

Is there a 5yr rule competency requirement for safety practice?

Those applicants who cannot present evidence of 1,000 hours of active nursing practice within the last 5 years, or successful completion of a Board-approved refresher course or preceptor program, may apply for inactive license.

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