need a little kick in the butt for Lifespan 1-3


I started my nursing exams in January, all I have left is the lifespan series and I am so burned out, everytime I go to open my books I fall asleep :uhoh3: I was working 5 8hr night shift shifts but starting monday I moving to 3 12 hrs nights which should help me with time.

how should I prepare for these tests? I went ahead and scheduled lifespan 1 for 6/18 but I dont know if I will be ready, I took the practice test without studying and got a lousy 44:eek: but thats also because I was halfway sleep when I took it.

help and suggestions are welcome

I want to finish these exams before my August wedding :redbeathe

hook up with me if u need a study partner.

i take mine on june 20 and i feel scattered. i have the med surge text, long and boring with a lot of fluff, saunders which doesn't have all the cancers and fibroid stuff but still good, and the practice test, i am wondering if i should pull out my lpn pharm book, i am getting a lot of drug questions on the practice test. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

I used my old med surg book, Saunders(*which is awesome!!) and had Chancellors study guide. I think its good to read the med-surg cardio disorders. It helps to go over your A&P. Saunders goes over all the important points and has many questions, some I seen on th EC exams. I never knew about Saunders until I found this site. Go over your practice tests. They help to find your weak areas and polish up what you excel at. Good Luck!!

maria12 i am not sure if we are in the same state i am in cincy oh,

thank for the advice guys i have saunders and the med surg book i am off for the next 3 days i plan on hibernating this weekend with my books

oh. im in washington state

I took my ls 1 on the 19th instead of 20th. when i said i have med surge, it is one edition behind. I don't know if i am missing out by not having the 12th ed. I passed with an A and still can't figure out how or remember what was on the test. I got lots of peds questions and a good bit of drug questions. Gotta know those post op and post procedure positionings. I know that people get different tests though, but oh my goodness, i felt like i had gotten a D, when they gave me my A, I was even more confused. I had also used my college network modules and I downloaded the RNBridge program videos, neither of which went into enough depth. The signs and symptoms of the various shocks and heart rhythms were there, but no strips to read. ugh, on to number two. :yeah::uhoh3:

Specializes in Peds,Corrections, Dialysis, LTC.
I took my ls 1 on the 19th instead of 20th. when i said i have med surge, it is one edition behind. I don't know if i am missing out by not having the 12th ed. I passed with an A and still can't figure out how or remember what was on the test. I got lots of peds questions and a good bit of drug questions. Gotta know those post op and post procedure positionings. I know that people get different tests though, but oh my goodness, i felt like i had gotten a D, when they gave me my A, I was even more confused. I had also used my college network modules and I downloaded the RNBridge program videos, neither of which went into enough depth. The signs and symptoms of the various shocks and heart rhythms were there, but no strips to read. ugh, on to number two. :yeah::uhoh3:

congrats on your A.:yeah::yeah::yeah: When do you test for Ls2?

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