Need info about state boards

Nurses General Nursing


Hi everyone,

I'm an RN from S. FL and I recently coached my sister-in-law through nursing school. I'm proud to say that she made it through school with flying colors and she took her FL state boards this morning. :yeah:

She's frantic because the computer shut her down after just 75 questions. I think this is a good sign, but she's worried that she failed.

It's been quite a while since I sat for my boards and it was a lot different back then. Is there any way to gauge your success in passing the test by the number of questions you're given? Thanks for your help. Robyn

I'd be curious as to what the pass rate is now for first time takers, I'd imagine that it has dropped.

Its still about 87%

Specializes in Med/Surg, Telemetry.

:typingif it makes her feel any better, many of the students i went to school with had 75 questions and they all passed!

Specializes in med-surg, home health, dialysis, NICU-MB.

Thanks for your input everybody. I'm happy to report that she PASSED! :up:


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