i need info. about RN licence in new jersey usa



i am rn from india,but right now i am living in nj,us.have my green card and ssn,and i had give my exam for rn in english laguage from banglore,india.now i want to do work in nj so how can i get my rn license for nj state? do i have to give toefl and cgfns?can some body guide me?and how much time it takes?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Please read the thread I moved here a few days ago, answers have been answered https://allnurses.com/international-nursing/how-can-i-363959.html

We ask that any foreign nurses post questions about licensure in the International Forum as most of the nurses in a specific state are not aware of the requirements for licensure when the nurse trained out of the country.

You are not exempt from the English exams for NJ, they require that you pass them before they will grant permission to sit for the NCLEX exam. You also need to complete the CES, which is a credentials eval done by CGFNS, but you do not need to write the CGFNS exam.

Depends on how long ago that you wrote the English exams, they are only valid for two years.

It is going to take you on average four months or so to get the CES report completedif you trained overseas and not in Canada. Then you have to wait usually another four to six weeks to even get permission to sit for the exam, NJ still has to process your application.

So you are looking at summer time before you will be able to work as an RN there at the earliest. Licensure and immigration are two different things and since you trained out of the US, you need to meet those additional requirements.

All of this is also given on the website for the NJ BON as well.

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