Need: Hole's Human A&P, 11th Edition

Nursing Students General Students


Taking Human A&P this summer (I and II) - anyone have this book and the lab book, and would like to sell. Unable to find these at a reasonable price, and thought would check here. Thanks for looking!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

i don't have the book, but i know that i have placed weblinks to the online companion websites of previous editions on the anatomy list on the pathophysiology/ a & p/ microbiology/ fluid & electrolyte resources sticky ( which is around post #42 just so you know about it. i believe the 11the edition is the latest to be published.

Thanks for reply! Just found good price today on Amazon....there were none yesterday at a good price, but today YEAH.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Suggest you explore the online companion that goes with the book and post #42 before class starts so you know what is there in case you need the extra help later. Good luck with class. Would you let us know what the website is for the 11th edition of the book? We only have up to the 10th edition.

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