Need Help With 2 Care Plans

Nursing Students Student Assist


Specializes in Telemetry/PCU.

I need help with 2 Care plans for the following nursing diagnoses.

Impaired physical mobility related to activity and weight-bearing restrictions


Risk for infection related to disruption in skin integrity from surgical incision.

I need two outcomes, three interventions (with one rationale for each)

Any type of help would be very appreciated thank you

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Determining the nursing diagnosis is Step #2 of the nursing process and developing outcomes and nursing interventions is Step #3. All are based on the assessment information you found in Step #1. In other words, what are this patient's specific signs and symptoms of the Impaired Physical Mobility? I don't know because you haven't provided that information and a care plan must be customized to this patient's needs. As for the Risk for Infection:

  • You have to have a very clear and defined idea of the problem you are attempting to prevent, know it's signs and symptoms and preventative measures.
  • Outcomes:
    • your broadest outcome would be for no infection to occur
    • outcomes can also be based on the predicted result of the nursing interventions you will be ordering

    [*]Interventions for these nursing diagnoses are limited to:

    • strategies to prevent the problem from happening in the first place
    • monitoring for the specific signs and symptoms of this problem
    • reporting any symptoms that do occur to the doctor or other concerned professional

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