Published Apr 15, 2006
168 Posts
Ok sorry if I appear to be stupid here but I have to do a powerpoint presentations for A&P using 3 medical journals. I plan on doing types of gastric bypass sugery and how they differ. Now here is my prob. I never had exposure to medical journals before. I tried going online to the library but had no luck finding any. Could someone provide me some links, etc. so I can see what a actual medical journal/article looks like. I must get this done but have to get a clear understanding of what a journal is first. Thank you.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Go to It's the AMA's journal.
You can sign up for six months for free.
Looking for Medical journals that doesnt appear to be one.
Oops. Sorry.
630 Posts
A medical journal is a scholarly journal with collection of research articles. They are usually reviewed by an editorial board of experts in the field (usually part of the journal staff). They generally have an Abstract at the beginning, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion section. The best place to find all sorts of research journals is at:
You just put in search terms like "gastric bypass surgery" etc. and see what comes up. Good luck.
Thanks but whenever I click on a topic it only appears to be a few sentences to a paragraph, I have to use three medical journals so how can I write a paper on such little information or am I in the wrong place? Thanks for your response.
You are getting the abstract. You have to sign up for the six month free subscription to get the entire article. At least, on the AMA site.
387 Posts
A good starting point will be your school's library. If your school doesn't have a library, then perhaps it has an agreement with a university library nearby. Even if your school doesn't have an agreement, just go to the nearest university library, find the librarian and ask him or her for help and explain that you are doing a project for school and that your school doesn't have scholarly journals.
If you need to do scholarly research involving scholarly journals, DO NOT DEPEND ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB!!!! Most of the time you will have to pay an exorbant amount of money for access to these articles when you can get them for free at your university--and heck, most librarians are happy to do the looking for you, as long as you have a good idea of what you are looking for.
Also-- do you have any idea what "medical journals" you need? There is a difference between a Journal of Medicine, and a healthcare related journal. The journal of music therapy could fall under "medical journal" by some loose definitions.
It sounds like an interesting project--have you ever done a powerpoint presentation before? Good luck!