Need help picking a school? ARC or MJC?

Nursing Students General Students


I'll try to make this as short as possible! In August I was accepted to MJC I was sooooo thrilled and have even made some friends thru this site that got accepted also. It's an hour and a half drive for me each way. I have been awarded financial aid and all my duck's are inline. Today I just found out I've been accepted to ARC. I live twenty minutes away. I haven't heard if this is a good school or not (MJC is an excellent school). The NCLEX passing rates are in the eighty's at ARC and that scares me. Also I will not be able to receive financial aid. Any advice please. I don't wan't to sit on this for very long because I don't feel it would be fair to the person who will get my spot. I wan't them to have plenty of time to get everything together. And to enjoy their last few months of freedom! :lol2::lol2::lol2:


I couldn't resist replying to your post. I opted out of a BSN program I was supposed to start in August (1 1/2 hour away) because I got accepted to a school 15 minutes from my home. You know which one!! I live a mile from one of my new (and old) schoolmates and she'll be a great study partner. The biggest issue for me was I didn't want to be isolated from my family school, and study partners, which I would have been had I gone to my first school. You have to consider what these factor "cost" you. BTW, did you realize that it's about as hard to get into ARC as to Harvard. Congratulations. Yes, ARC is a very good school and the big advantage I see is you will do your clinicals at BIG hospitals in Sac. Really you will see very complex cases and should not miss the opportunity to work in the big city. You want to go to school where you want to live so you will get a job there, right? (Think big picture) Plus ARC just got $5m in stimulus to improve your program. Good luck with your decision, I know how painful it can be.

Hey apoppyfield

Thank you for the reply! I didn't even know anyone replied! I agree with you 100% the commute, time away from my family, and the cost would have killed me!I actually got into another nursing school SCC! I was super shocked because this would have be my first choice! I think all the schools felt bad for me waiting soooooooo long so they just let me in! I accepted the spot at SCC and am working thru the packet! Enjoy you're NS experience keep in touch! :)

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