Published Jan 17, 2010
2 Posts
i sorta need help with my PA for our case presentation. Our patient is wearing an abdominal binder following a total abdominal hysterectomy. The patient was still experiencing pain and wouldn't allow us to even get near her abdominal area for assessment. Unfortunately, we need to make a comprehensive PA since our clinical instructors usually rip on us during that part of the case presentation. worse, our patient gets discharged on monday...our next schedule for exposure is not til thursday.
how should i go about describing the abdominal area with the abdominal binder on? can we still make a comprehensive physical assessment?
thank you!
2,188 Posts
If I were in your shoes I'd ask the nursing instructor how she wanted this done.
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
there are several aspects to assessment of the abdomen (textbook of physical diagnosis: history and examination, third edition, by mark h. swartz, william schmitt [editor]):
surely, you were able to accomplish part of the assessment. report as thotough an assessment as you can to look professional. if the patient refused some of it, say so.
i suggest you review this chapter on abdominal assessment ( from "a practical guide to clinical medicine" ( so you can come up with a more thorough way of expressing what you did find for your case presentation. i copied the text from my disc, but the essential information is there. to see the photographs go to the website:
a practical guide to clinical medicine
exam of the abdomen
the major components of the abdominal exam include: observation, auscultation, percussion, and palpation. while these are the same elements which make up the pulmonary and cardiac exams, they are performed here in a slightly different order (i.e. auscultation before percussion) and carry different degrees of importance. pelvic, genital, and rectal exams, all part of the abdominal evaluation, are discussed elsewhere.
think anatomically: when looking, listening, feeling and percussing imagine what organs live in the area that you are examining. the abdomen is roughly divided into four quadrants: right upper, right lower, left upper and left lower. by thinking in anatomic terms, you will remind yourself of what resides in a particular quadrant and therefore what might be identifiable during both normal and pathologic states.
by convention, the abdominal exam is performed with the provider standing on the patient's right side.
observation: much information can be gathered from simply watching the patient and looking at the abdomen. this requires complete exposure of the region in question, which is accomplished as follows:
while observing the patient, pay particular attention to:
auscultation: compared to the cardiac and pulmonary exams, auscultation of the abdomen has a relatively minor role. it is performed before percussion or palpation as vigorously touching the abdomen may disturb the intestines, perhaps artificially altering their activity and thus bowel sounds. exam is made by gently placing the pre-warmed (accomplished by rubbing the stethoscope against the front of your shirt) diaphragm on the abdomen and listening for 15 or 20 seconds. there is no magic time frame. the stethoscope can be placed over any area of the abdomen as there is no true compartmentalization and sounds produced in one area can probably be heard throughout. how many places should you listen in? again, there is no magic answer. at this stage, practice listening in each of the four quadrants and see if you can detect any "regional variations."
abdominal auscultation
what exactly are you listening for and what is its significance? three things should be noted:
as food and liquid course through the intestines by means of peristalsis noise, referred to as bowel sounds, is generated. these sounds occur quite frequently, on the order of every 2 to 5 seconds, although there is a lot of variability. bowel sounds in and of themselves do not carry great significance. that is, in the normal person who has no complaints and an otherwise normal exam, the presence or absence of bowel sounds is essentially irrelevant (i.e. whatever pattern they have will be normal for them). in fact, most physicians will omit abdominal auscultation unless there is a symptom or finding suggestive of abdominal pathology. however, you should still practice listening to all the patients that you examine so that you develop a sense of what constitutes the range of normal. bowel sounds can, however, add important supporting information in the right clinical setting. in general, inflammatory processes of the serosa (i.e. any of the surfaces which cover the abdominal with peritonitis) will cause the abdomen to be quiet (i.e. bowel sounds will be infrequent or altogether absent). inflammation of the intestinal mucosa (i.e. the insides of the intestine, as might occur with infections that cause diarrhea) will cause hyperactive bowel sounds. processes which lead to intestinal obstruction initially cause frequent bowel sounds, referred to as "rushes." think of this as the intestines trying to force their contents through a tight opening. this is followed by decreased sound, called "tinkles," and then silence. alternatively, the reappearance of bowel sounds heralds the return of normal gut function following an injury. after abdominal surgery, for example, there is a period of several days when the intestines lie dormant. the appearance of bowel sounds marks the return of intestinal activity, an important phase of the patient's recovery. bowel sounds, then, must be interpreted within the context of the particular clinical situation. they lend supporting information to other findings but are not in and of themselves pathognomonic for any particular process.
after you have finished noting bowel sounds, use the diaphragm of your stethoscope to check for renal artery bruits, a high pitched sound (analogous to a murmur) caused by turbulent blood flow through a vessel narrowed by atherosclerosis. the place to listen is a few cm above the umbilicus, along the lateral edge of either rectus muscles. most providers will not routinely check for bruits. however, in the right clinical setting (e.g. a patient with some combination of renal insufficiency, difficult to control hypertension and known vascular disease), the presence of a bruit would lend supporting evidence for the existence of renal artery stenosis. when listening for bruits, you will need to press down quite firmly as the renal arteries are retroperitoneal structures. atherosclerosis distal to the aorta (i.e. at the take off of the iliac arteries) can also generate bruits. blood flow through the aorta itself does not generate any appreciable sound. thus, auscultation over this structure is not a good screening test for the presence of aneurysmal dilatation.
percussion: the technique for percussion is the same as that used for the lung exam. first, remember to rub your hands together and warm them up before placing them on the patient. then, place your left hand firmly against the abdominal wall such that only your middle finger is resting on the skin. strike the distal interphalangeal joint of your left middle finger 2 or 3 times with the tip of your right middle finger, using the previously described floppy wrist action (see under lung exam). there are two basic sounds which can be elicited:
*special note should be made if percussion produces pain, which may occur if there is underlying inflammation, as in peritonitis. this would certainly be supported by other historical and exam findings.
abdominal percussion
what can you really expect to hear when percussing the normal abdomen? the two solid organs which are percussable in the normal patient are the liver and spleen. in most cases, the liver will be entirely covered by the ribs. occasionally, an edge may protrude a centimeter or two below the costal margin. the spleen is smaller and is entirely protected by the ribs. to determine the size of the liver, proceed as follows:
percussion of the spleen is more difficult as this structure is smaller and lies quite laterally, resting in a hollow created by the left ribs. when significantly enlarged, percussion in the left upper quadrant will produce a dull tone. splenomegaly suggested by percussion should then be verified by palpation (see below). the remainder of the normal abdomen is, for the most part, filled with the small and large intestines. try percussing each of the four quadrants to get a sense of the normal variations in sound that are produced. these will be variably tympanitic, dull or some combination of the above, depending on whether the underlying intestines are gas or liquid filled. the stomach "bubble" should produce a very tympanitic sound upon percussion over the left lower rib cage, close to the sternum.
percussion can be quite helpful in determining the cause of abdominal distention, particularly in distinguishing between fluid (a.k.a. ascites) and gas. of the techniques used to detect ascites, assessment for shifting dullness is perhaps the most reliable and reproducible. this method depends on the fact that air filled intestines will float on top of any fluid that is present. proceed as follows:
the models below should help to clarify the concept of shifting dullness. with the "patient" lying flat on their back balloons (representing the intestines)
float on the water (representing ascites). when the "patient" turns on their right side, a new air fluid level is established.
shifting dullness (real patient)
realize that there has to be a lot of ascites present for this method to be successful as the abdomen and pelvis can hide several hundred cc's of fluid that would be undetectable on physical exam. also, shifting dullness is based on the assumption that fluid can flow freely throughout the abdomen. thus, in cases of prior surgery or infection with resultant adhesion formation, this may not be a very useful technique. palpation can also be used to check for ascites (see below).
palpation: first warm your hands by rubbing them together before placing them on the patient. the pads and tips (the most sensitive areas) of the index, middle, and ring fingers are the examining surfaces used to locate the edges of the liver and spleen as well as the deeper structures. you may use either your right hand alone or both hands, with the left resting on top of the right. apply slow, steady pressure, avoiding any rapid/sharp movements that are likely to startle the patient or cause discomfort. examine each quadrant separately, imagining what structures lie beneath your hands and what you might expect to feel.
vascular anatomy
what can you expect to feel? in general, don't be discouraged if you are unable to identify anything. remember that the body is designed to protect critically important organs (e.g. liver and spleen beneath the ribs; kidneys and pancreas deep in the retroperitoneum; etc.). it is, for the most part, during pathologic states that these organs become identifiable to the careful examiner. however, you will not be able to recognize abnormal until you become comfortable identifying variants of normal, a theme common to the examination of any part of the body. it is therefore important to practice all of these maneuvers on every patient that you examine. it's also quite easy to miss abnormalities if you rush or push too vigorously, so take your time and focus on the tips/pads of your fingers.
examining for a fluid wave: when observation and/or percussion are suggestive of ascites, palpation can be used as a confirmatory test. ask the patient or an observer to place their hand so that it is oriented longitudinally over the center of the abdomen. they should press firmly so that the subcutaneous tissue and fat do not jiggle. place your right hand on the left side of the abdomen and your left hand opposite, so that both are equidistant from the umbillicus. now, firmly tap on the abdomen with your right hand while your left remains against the abdominal wall. if there is a lot of ascites present, you may be able to feel a fluid wave (generated in the ascites by the tapping maneuver) strike against the abdominal wall under your left hand. this test is quite subjective and it can be difficult to say with assurance whether you have truly felt a wave-like impulse.
assessing for a fluid wave
the abdominal examination, like all other aspects of the physical, is not done randomly. every maneuver has a purpose. think about what you're expecting to see, hear, or feel. use information that you've gathered during earlier parts of the exam and apply it in a rational fashion to the rest of your evaluation. if, for example, a certain area of the abdomen was tympanitic during percussion, feel the same region and assure yourself that there is nothing solid in this location. go back and repeat maneuvers to either confirm or refute your suspicions. in the event that a patient presents complaining of pain in any region of the abdomen, have them first localize the affected area, if possible with a single finger, pointing you towards the cause of the problem. then, examine each of the other abdominal quadrants first before turning your attention to the area in question. this should help to keep the patient as relaxed as possible and limit voluntary and involuntary guarding (i.e. superficial muscle tightening which protects intra-abdominal organs from being poked), allowing you to gather the greatest amount of clinical data. make sure you glance at the patient's face while examining a suspected tender area. this can be particularly revealing when evaluating otherwise stoic individuals (i.e. even these patients will grimace if the area is painful to the touch). the goal, of course, is to obtain relevant information while generating a minimal amount of discomfort.
findings commonly associated with advanced liver disease: chronic liver disease usually results from years of inflamation, which ultimately leads to fibrosis and decline in function. histologically, this is referred to as cirrhosis. this can be driven by a number of different processes, most commonly chronic alcohol use, viral hepatitis (b or c) or hemachromatosis (the complete list is much longer). it's important to realize that a cirrhotic liver can be markedly enlarged (in which case it may be palpable) or shrunken and fibrotic (non-palpable).
after many years (generally greater then 20) of chronic insult, the liver may become unable to perform some or all of its normal functions. there are several clinical manifestations of this dysfunction. while none are pathonomonic for liver disease, in the right historical context they are very suggestive of underlying pathology. some of the most common findings are described and/or pictured below.
[*]ascites: portal vein hypertension results from increased resistance to blood flow through an inflamed and fibrotic liver. this can lead to ascites, accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
[*]increased systemic estrogen levels: the liver may become unable to process particular hormones, leading to their peripheral conversion into estrogen. high levels promote:
[*]lower extremity edema: impaired synthesis of the protein alburmin leads to lower intravascular oncotic pressure and resultant leakage of fluid into soft tissues. this is particularly evident in the lower extremities.
[*]varices: in the setting of portal hypertension, blood "finds" alternative pathways back to the heart that do not pass through the liver. the most common is via the splenic and short gastric veins, which pass through the esophageal venous plexus enroute to the svc. this causes esophageal varices which can bleed profoundly, though these are not apparent on physical examination. a much less common path utilizes the recanalized umbilical vein, which directs blood through dilated superficial veins in the abdominal wall. these are visible on inspection of the abdomen and are known as caput medusae.
arlight, i will try to find my instructor and also try to follow your assessment guide. i just hope my assessment is good enough. thank you very much for your replies.
What happened between you and the patient is water under the bridge now. What you have to do is turn in as good an assessment as you can make of it. Although your patient may not have let you get near her abdomen or remove the binder, the reason I wanted you to read about abdominal assessments was because it isn't the end of the world. There are so many other things about her abdomen that could be assessed and written about from just observation. I would also knock 'em dead with the other 3 aspects of abdominal assessment that should have been done (see the above information from A Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine). I would make sure I reported the patient's non-compliance and how you now realize you got manipulated because of your inexperience. An experienced nurse wouldn't have let her get away with that. With experience, you will learn how to deal with a patient that pulls this kind of manipulation. That is something that you might want to discuss with your instructor as to whether you should include it in your presentation. You are not the only student that this patient manipulation happens to, believe me. So, bringing it up in your presentation and mentioning possible solutions to dealing with it, I would think, would certainly be relevant and part of not only what you learned from this situation, but something that will to useful to share with your classmates. A BIG part of being a professional nurse is problem solving and this is definitely a personal problem that you need to address. It takes a strong person (we nurses have to be battleships, darling) to recognize our weaknesses, learn from them and improve. It's how we get to be invincible battleships. So, carry on. Good luck with your case presentation.