Need help with PathoPhys


I'm a 3rd semester student and actually doing pretty well in class.

I've been passing my careplans so far, but my instructor is telling me that I need to put more "umph" factor in my careplan by putting more pathophy in it, and is encouraging me to take a PathoPhys class [if I can, specific for nurses] during the summer. She feels that I won't be able to handle 4th semester if I don't get this whole pathophys in my head. I always get nervous when she comes around my unit and starts asking me pathophys questions out of the blue during report... and I end up giving her blank stares. I feel so stupid sometimes. Bleh. :trout:

So I've been searching around my area, and I can't find any!!!

Is there any good Pathophys book or sites or ONLINE classes that would help me to understand?

Please help. I need to pass this program. I've already failed once, so HELP!:uhoh21:

Specializes in home health, neuro, palliative care.

I have Pathophysiology: Reviews & Rationales, which is a great book with both outlines & NCLEX style ?s. I took Patho online, but it wasn't nursing focused AT ALL, so the book didn't help me much, but it'll be great later.


Specializes in pedi, pedi psych,dd, school ,home health.

Rivier College in Nashua NH has an on line pathophys class taught by a nurse... Prof. Hagan. I just finished she is excellent!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

I found this book over the Christmas holidays this past year: Pathophysiology: A 2-in-1 Reference for Nurses by Springhouse, Springhouse Publishing Company Staff and absolutely love it. It includes not only the pathophysiology of diseases, but the signs and symptoms, how they are diagnosed, medical treatment and nursing considerations (interventions). It runs about $45 and you can get it through Barnes and Noble or Amazon. I also have Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adult and Children, third edition, by Kathryn L. McCance and Sue E. Heuther. There is a more recent edition out. This is an more expensive textbook, quite heavy and thick and a very scholarly work. I sometimes find it pretty hard reading, but some nursing programs use this textbook. There are other less voluminous pathophysiology textbooks by McCance and Heuther that are not as detailed.

Let me caution you that LWW (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) has been heavily marketing several pathophysiology books that they have put together. I bought one and sent it back because I felt it didn't contain the quality of information which was worth the price they were charging for it. It did not address a very broad range of diseases either. It had very nice pictures is about all I could say about it. Now, the first book I mentioned above is now published by LWW, but it was originally published by Springhouse, a publishing company which LWW acquired.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Here is a Critical Thinking Flow Sheet that I started working on a few months ago and kind of abandoned because it wasn't going the way I wanted it to. It is meant to be printed out on the front and back of one sheet of paper. You might find it helpful for showing the relationship between normal anatomy, pathophysiology, symptoms and treatment. I was attempting to develop a tool that would make choosing a nursing diagnosis and developing nursing interventions easier to do. I never got to the nursing intervention part because but it wasn't turning out the way I was expecting it to.

[attach]5570[/attach] Critical Thinking Flow Sheet for Nursing Students

Aw, thanks a lot!!! I will look for that book and browse around it before I purchase it!!

Thank you!!!

btw your attachment won't open!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

I re-downloaded the file and corrected the link. The file should open up now when you click on the link.

Hi. Just another idea, if you go to Barnes and Noble, they have this flip book for pathophys. If you are only needing it to give you the generals for care plans, it is great. I'm surprised that pathophys isn't required before you ever walk into clinicals! We are required to take 3 quarters of Physiology, 3 quarters of Anatomy, Microbiology, and Pathophys before we can even practice on dummies, much less humans! Anyway, this book has been great for a complement to our text book.

This is awesome! We have been looking for something to help us with putting it all together!!!!

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