Need help nurse in Norway to USA

World Registration


Hei. I am a nurse from Norway and I like to move to usa and work there. Do I need to take a extra course like nclex besides having bachelor degree in nursing from norway or can I join directly in health sector as RN. Can somebody please help me :-)

Your best plan is to identify where you will live in the US and then contact the board of registration in nursing for that state -- every state has its own, because there is no national licensure here. (The link below will get you the list and contact information)

The state board will tell you what they want from you. At least they will want a transcript of your college courses and you will probably have to take the NCLEX. Whether they want you to take more coursework is up to them.

Good luck!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

also be aware of retrogression and that it will be hard to find a employer willing to wait the 6 plus years once you have met state requirements and passed NCLEX before in the US and working

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