need help with kennedy ulcer

Specialties Hospice



My Grandmother, 90 yrs old, is in a rehab facility for therapy but has taken a turn for the worse. She's been very lethargic and unable to speak or open eyes much. She's not eating. No IVs (DNR) and she's just drinking a little. This am they found a kennedy ulcer. I was told tonight before leaving it was a stage 3. It is so rapid that it burst during the hour I was there. She also has spots on each side of forehead.

My question is how long does one usually live?

I appreciate any input. Hospice is coming in the morning. I need to prepare my parents.



kennedy ulcers remain poorly understood.

the only 'constant', is that they seem to be found in dying pts.

how long one lives, is not our call...

but my experience has been that it could be days to weeks.

hospice is a good call, and will keep your grandmother comfortable.

wishing you peace and faith.


Yes, what Leslie said.

Hospice, and not a moment too soon. I wish your family the kindness of comfort care.

I agree with previous posters. It sounds like an ominous turn.

Remember the goal of wound care is comfort at this point - keeping her clean and dry, and medicating for comfort. Mouth care for comfort/ relief of dry mouth.

Glad you have hospice coming. They can reinforce these issues with the NH staff so you don't have to. Use the hospice team as much as you can for not only your grandma's comfort, but also for you and your parents.

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