Need help on how to deal with a bully

Specialties Management


I have been working as a nursing supervisor at a SNF for 1 year, every weekend. There is another supervisor who recently decided to start working wkends. I work 12 hrs and she overlaps me by 4 hours. We are forced to use the same office and things are not good. Since I am newer, I have been letting her do her own staffing. I did it before and all she did was shange everything and complain. When she comes on the tension is terrible. There are no set duties and we constantly have disagreements over pt care. When somone is sick and needs to go to the hospital and I want to send them, she argues that it is too much paperwork. She constatnly goes outside for smoking breaks and is hard to find on occassion, which is ok for me. I have talked to senior leads about the situation and they do nothing. They even went back and told her that I complained. Now , its even worse. She has actually said to me, I will get you fired. I have been in nrsg for 20 years and have nver dealt with such garbage before. Please help!!!!

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.
When she comes on the tension is terrible. There are no set duties and we constantly have disagreements over pt care. When somone is sick and needs to go to the hospital and I want to send them, she argues that it is too much paperwork. She constatnly goes outside for smoking breaks and is hard to find on occassion, which is ok for me. I have talked to senior leads about the situation and they do nothing. They even went back and told her that I complained. Now , its even worse. She has actually said to me, I will get you fired. I have been in nrsg for 20 years and have nver dealt with such garbage before. Please help!!!!

You did the absolute correct thing to talk to management. If management is not going to back you up then perhaps its time to look for another job. Not to mention that management not only didnt back you but they handled it poorly and unprofessionally. Beyond that, I would try to just ignore her and her comments. If you feel justified sending a pt to the hosp, do so without her opinion or consent. She's not your boss, correct? You just overlap shifts? Let her do the schedule, try to stay away from the office, be available as usual for the other staff and patients and she will come across looking at the disinterested lazy person that she is. I would be scanning the help wanted ads!

I agree 100% with what DutchgirlRN has said. Do not let this obviously unhappy person disturb your peace of mind at work. Make your decisions as independently of her as possible and avoid her as much as possible.

Specializes in Case Management.

I agree with above. There are too many jobs out there to be stuck with someone like that. Now that you know how admin feels about this, you should move on before she makes her words come true.

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