Need help clarifying a decision


  1. Which program do I shoot for?

    • 2
      ADN with Bridge to BSN program (Lowest Cost) 3 years total
    • 0
      Online Accelerated BSN ($44,000) 1 year
    • 0
      Entry Level Master's Program ($45,000) 2 years

2 members have participated

Hi everyone,

I could really use your advice! Background: I'm an older student (39), have a large family, a prior Bachelor's in a non-nursing field, am in my last semester of pre-reqs. Here are my nursing school choices:

1) Local ADN program: ($)

with a built-in bridge to BSN. Would start next February, and could start working after a year and half. Another year and half after that for the BSN. Lowest cost of all my choices. I would need to take one more class in order to apply, and could get that done before application deadline, but would need to register for it soon.

2)Online Accelerated BSN ($$$) Only 12 months (!!!) but also pretty spendy.

3)Evening/Weekend Entry-Level Master's Program ($$$), Easiest to qualify for loans and I would start at the same time as the ADN next Feb.

I really think I should register for that class to be able to apply to the ADN program and have it as my main backup. I have not been impressed with the #2 program so far, they seem pretty disorganize (just during the application process so far, maybe it's better once you're in?). #3 is my dream program and it's a Master's degree which is nice.

With my age I feel more time constraints to just GET GOING, but I don't want to make any rash decisions either.

If you could do it all over again, what would you do? Thanks so much for any advice you can offer, I really appreciate it!!

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

I would get my ADN & start working then go to school online for my BSN, if needed.

If I recall right you aren't eligible for certain federal assistance for another undergrad program so if you can pay out of pocket for program number 2, go for that. If you need loans, stick with # 1. That of course is just my opinion.

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