Need help choosing which school?


I am trying to decide between SCCC, Maryville or UMSL..for nursing. I basically have to start from scratch and do my pre-reqs regardless of where I choose to go. I have heard/read alot of conflicting information in regards to which one is easier to get in to. I spoke with an advisor at SCCC.. who wasn't very informative or helpful and was told that I could not even apply to their nursing program until 2013. I meet with an advisor @ Maryville on Wednesday. My major concern with Maryville is the cost. I am looking to do the part time BSN option at either Maryville or UMSL. The advisor at SCCC told me that getting my bachelor's would only give me about 50 cents more an hour. So I am just lookong for some advice from current students or graduates from any nursing program in Missouri! I am a mother of youngest 3 are under 3 so I will have to go to school/ clinicals during nights and weekends! Thank you for any information that you may have!

I did a lot of research on finding an ADN program before signing up at SCC. The ony ones I found (that are completely transferable to a university for BSN) was SCC and St. Louis Comm College. There really is not a wait if you have to do all your pre reqs first anyway (all science prereqs only good for 5 yrs). So even though you are "waiting" you really are not at all if you have other classes to take. I agree, that is a lot of hoops to go through, but it may be worth it. If you would get your pre reqs done before being able to start nursing classes, you could begin taking classes towards your BSN at community college too. I plan on going to UMSL after getting RN from SCC. Had I had more time, I would have taken some of the UMSL pre req at SCC, like statistics and philosophy. At this pt though, I will have to do RN, then more prereqs, and then transfer to UMSL. (Hope all that makes sense!) I know what you mean about the 2 yrs list everywhere, it is a highly competetive field for sure..

I live about 45 minutes to an hour away from all the ADN programs (colleges) I also checked into Hannibal LaGrange University. I don't know what they are per credit hour and they only start in the fall for their nursing program. I plan on trying to speak with an advisor soon..the way it looks is that with my transferrable credits included I can get all my pre-reqs done and start the nursing program in Fall 2012. I have tried to contact advisors at STLCC..FP,Flo Valley and Meramec..and have not received calls's very frustrating..It may come down to going where I can get in first!!

Hmmm. I wonder if you live around me Lincoln county? I just applied and passed the dosage test for the STLCC. I feel like they were very helpful! Good thing there is you can apply to all three schools and go where you get in to first. I'm going to wait for Meramec fall 2013, to send me my letter I have small children too and my youngest would be in preschool my first year and kindergarten the second! Hopefully that gives my the alone time I need to study. Everytime I called meramec and flo I got ahold of someone. I just asked to be connected with someone in the nursing department. best of luck!:)

I live in Troy. I think that I have decided to go to HLGU..there is no "waitlist" and the drive would be comparable to going to any of the STLCC campuses with the traffic and whatnot. I could never get ahold of several departments at STLCC. I was told I would have to take an asessment test to see where I would place in math,science..etc.. I left several messages and they never returned the call.

I hope that I have made the right decision..It is all very confusing at times. Sometimes you will hear that you need a BSN to get a job and then others will tell you that a ASN is fine. I guess it just depends.. but for now I am going to go to HLGU for my associates and then try and get a job and get a bachelors while I am working?!!

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