need focus note!! please help!!


hi all a nursing stuydent at hunter college and ive been assigned to do a focus note on ngt feedings..if any one can help by giving me a link where i can look at an example or if u have an example..itd be greatly appreciated cus im kinda stuck

Specializes in Med/Surg, Home Health.

This thread probably needs to be in the student assistance section, but here are some links that may help...

Here is a small list that was on one of those websites. I hope these help.

Nursing Diagnosis for TEN Nursing Diagnosis for TEN

Risk for aspiration r/t Risk for aspiration r/t enteral enteral tube feedings tube feedings

Imbalanced nutrition: less than body Imbalanced nutrition: less than body

requirements r/t requirements r/t enteral enteral feeding problems AEB feeding problems AEB

body weight than ideal, diarrhea, body weight than ideal, diarrhea, abd abd. distention . distention

Impaired skin integrity r/t enzymatic action of Impaired skin integrity r/t enzymatic action of

gastric juices that may leak gastric juices that may leak aound aound tube AEB tube AEB

red, irritated tissue around tube red, irritated tissue around tube

Risk for deficient fluid volume r/t diarrhea or Risk for deficient fluid volume r/t diarrhea or

inadequate fluid intake

Specializes in Med/Surg, Home Health.

Hmm I just noticed that when I copied/pasted from that site it doesnt make much sense. lol. Oh well, it should be easily unscrambled. I tried, lol.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Focus charting is done to the mnemonic DAR which stands for Data-Action-Response. There is an example of it on this thread:

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