Published Nov 15, 2015
164 Posts
Hello all,
Hoping for some advice for a new grad nurse. I am off orientation on postpartum unit...I'm wondering if this is the right job for me? I precepted into this specialty as my capstone for nursing school. My preceptorship was at a major university hospital...I now work for a community/teaching hospital. Our patients are so....stable! I was used to more high risk patients. Not a bad thing but I've been feeling like this isn't for me anymore.
I may be able to cross train at my current job but....I'm not interested in staying here too much longer to make that happen.
Lately, i've been thinking of special care (level II) nursery or NICU in the future. Is this possible as a post partum nurse? I'd think PP would be a plus because I am more used to what a normal, term infant does so I could tell the difference.
Anyone make the change?
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,399 Posts
How @new" are you and
how long in current position?
I've been here since August. Out of school since may. Don't get me wrong...I don't think I've mastered post partum nursing by any means but I'm finding my learning opportunities are very limited by my current position. On nights, there just isn't much to gain it seems. I just pass out pain meds and update feeds mostly. Occasionally, I'll draw labs or a nhs.