Published Jul 23, 2019
1 Post
I need advice from fellow nurses and/or nursing students. I am currently in nursing school and have been struggle throughout my entire year. I was even dismissed from the program that I am currently enrolled in, but through an extensive appeal process, I was able to be readmitted. Now that I'm back, I did well the first quarter upon returning, and now back to struggling again. I recently failed my med-surg exam (57%). All the ups and downs along with not doing well on exams has me questioning if this is the right path for me.
Determined struggling nursing student
Natasha A., CNA, LVN
1,696 Posts
You are determined and your actions speaks volume. Im glad to see that you went back to school. Med surg class can be a struggle. Is this your first med surg exam? Do you have more exams coming up to make up for this score? If so there is still a chance. ? Have you scheduled a time to meet with your professor and discuss how to improve?. Does your school have tutor sessions or have you've tried study groups ?
Please do not let this one exam get you down. You have it in you to keep going. I know you do. ?
verene, MSN
1,790 Posts
Have you spoken with the instructor about your struggles? Does the school offer tutoring services? It's clear you are determined to succeed, but it can help to identify the specifics of *why* you are struggling so you can make changes and improve!
21 Posts
Nursing school is not easy. I have seen some classmates fail and go back to try again. Usually the first semester is the hardest one, at lease for me it was. I think I just needed adjusting to the type of Nclex questions and learn the best strategies for me to learn. I advice you to get together with a classmates to study to make sure you are studying the right content, and also Talk to your instructor.