Need advice


I am currently inactive in my state of Alabama, because of substance abuse problems I voluntarily surrendered my license. I'm definitely not ready to go back to nursing, don't know if I'll ever be. But I'm ready to get back in the work force. Has anyone been in a similar situation? I don't know what to say on interviews about why I left my last job because I was stealing drugs. And they ask why I'm not still in nursing. Just not sure if it's a good idea to spill everything.

Hey! I have been exactly where you are! And no, you don't need to disclose exactly why you left the job. Here is what I always said in response to the following questions:

Why did you leave your last job? I needed to do something different- ive been nursing for a while and I am always excited to learn new skills/ it was time for a change.

You were a nurse? Why would you pick this type of job? The skills I used in nursing are perfect for this job- I am great with people- its all customer service and heavy lifting!

Remeber that your nursing skills are easily translated into most other positions in this world- you know how to manage your time, you are great with people even when they are not at their best, you know how to be a support and be supported by coworkers, you know how to delegate responsibility, you know how to face adverse situations, you know how to document...lean on these attributes in interviews. People tend to think that nursing means you doll out meds and hold people's hands- let all of your real skills shine.

Since being out of nursing I have worked at a loading dock, a supply company, and my favorite: a plant nursery. All things I never imagined doing but areas where I have learned new things and gained confidence in myself. I can do anything and so can you:)!

I've been there too! Surrendered my liscense and worked at a bank for while. On the paperwork agree with TwoYear, don't disclose why you left, just it was time for a change. I was terminated so had to answer the question ' have u ever been terminated'. I replied "difficulty maintaining a liscense". Which is true- after I was offered the job, hiring mgr called and asked me what the problem was- I was honest and she was very understanding and supportive. I was very unsure about returning to nursing after being out for 18 mo- but my bank account made my mind up for me. It's gets better, but if you don't go back, it's ok too! Your health and sobriety are top priority!!! Good luck!!

This is the day The Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it.

I usually give "conflict of interest" as reason for leaving previous job. They really haven't asked much more after that.

Specializes in Cardiology, ICU.

Honestly, I just tell them that nursing wasn't for me. I know this is a bold face lie, but a non-nursing doesn't require you to disclose anything! I've been on several interviews (waitress and retail) and I just tell them that I'm looking to go into hospitality!

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