Published Dec 31, 2009
38 Posts
I graduated with my BA in 2002 (non science field) I have pre-requisites I need to finish before applying to nursing school.
I am currently planning to finish my pre requisites at CCD. I've heard mixed reviews about this school. I decided on there initially b/c of class availablity and easily being able to get to campus from my job in the evenings if needed. My biggest concern right now is, how much is it going to matter where I take these pre-requisites vs. how well I do in them and my overall GPA, etc.? I can't start at any other college this spring, it would have to wait until fall most likely since classes I need (at the times I have available) are already full at Metro and CU. I was also wanting to take them at a CC (if it wasn't going to hurt my admissions) due to cost as I will be borrowing a significant sum for nursing school when I am (hopefully) accepted.
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
Ask the schools that you plan to apply to whether or not they have a preference. Each school has its own admissions criteria and preferences. You'll have to ask them to find out if it matters to them.
I served on a school admission's committee once in which the quality of the school where the students did their pre-req's made a difference. So, it CAN be important. But not every school will select it's incoming class in the same. That's why you will have to ask them.
(I don't know about the particular schools you asked about in your question. So please don't interpret my response as a reflection on any particular school.)
No problem, thank you! Will they tell me honestly if it matters? I asked the admissions counselor at CU, and she said it didn't matter as long as I took the courses and did well, but I am not sure if that is just something they say, or if, in the admissions process, it really truly does matter.
For anyone who may know about the specific schools, My #1 choice Nursing School is CU, but I know it is crazy competitive. I will also be applying to Metro, Regis and possible UNC.
137 Posts
Hi, Jamie. I'm finishing up my prerequisites right now. I've been to the counseling sessions at CU and multiple sessions at UNC, the school I think I'd like to attend. CU is not stringing you along: they really will accept classes from the community colleges and so will the other schools you mention. This is part of the articulation agreements that work exceptionally well in the public higher education system in Colorado.
The community college system in Colorado is large, though, and you might take a look at some of CCD's competitors. I don't have very good impressions of CCD, and to be honest, that might be totally unfair of me. But among my reasons are that their program statistics are not very encouraging. For example, their NCLEX 2009 pass rate for their RN program is about 77%--and that's the highest they've ever reached. Compare that with a national pass rate of 85%, with Arapahoe Community College's 100% pass rate, or any of the with Front Range campuses that are achieving about 90%.
You won't be concerned with the NCLEX, of course, since you're just taking prerequisite coursework there, not nursing, but it's something that gives me pause. That's one measurable statistic on how they perform as a school: not very well.
I live in Fort Collins, so my own solution was to do prerequesite courses through the CCConline system, with Front Range Community College as my "home" college. There were some small rubs and bumps along the way, but it was a very doable way to get my coursework done. I chose FRCC for convenience, but the nice thing about CCCOnline is you can choose just about any community college in your area as your "home' college. Just another option to think about--and, yes, CU, UNC, Regis will all accept that coursework.
But if CCD is really right for you, and you're confident you can get As even if the program is not entirely up to snuff, then you may be making the best choice for your situation. .
Alumni and current nursing students say that what will really help you out at CU is a good essay, though a solid GPA seems necessary to even be in the running. At UNC, admission is currently done *strictly* by GPA. All this could change any time, of course! Best of luck in your journey.
Sand_Dollar, BSN
1,130 Posts
Hi JamieA0321,
I just applied to CU's program (but haven't found out yet), so my info is CU specific. I don't have a previous degree so I had to take all the pre-reqs. Since you already have a degree, you would only need 4 (Anatomy, Physiology, Micro and Stats) I took my pre-reqs through ccconline which is a network of 14 colorado community colleges that have come together to offer an online option. You register with a 'home' college and it is them that you will pay your tuition and get your transcripts from.
You will find in another thread about CU accepting ccconline classes. Someone kindly called and asked outright. They do accept ccconline classes and don't have a problem accepting classes from any of the 14 home colleges in the state (there are others of course!). This should give you two pieces of information. Firstly, they do accept community college classes and secondly, you also have the option of taking the pre-reqs online (since you said the others are full already). I have one last semester to go which starts on January 11th. You could get into this semester too and actually be finished your 4 pre-reqs at the end of summer. If you can't get everything together by then, there is a later start date that begins on March 1 and ends the same as the first session on May 9th.
Just a bit of info for you, I hope it helps a little. If you want to know anything about the ccconline classes, just ask. I have done all of my pre-reqs online through ccconline, including AP and Micro, and have done well.
Thank you! Your post was very informative! I'm planning to retake Bio (b/c it's been abou 10 years since I last took it) and Statistics (also a re-take since it's been about 10 years for that, too) this spring. I am already registered for classes at CCD for the spring, but I will definitely look into FRCC for the rest of my pre reqs. I knew CCD had some waivering reputations, but I wasn't sure if it was just b/c it was on campus with the 2 4 yr colleges and just kind "looked down upon" or if the courses there really were subpar as far as education. I would look into Arapahoe, but I live in the N. Suburbs and getting to class is a serious pain as it is, going further south wouldn't help my situation, lol. I'm going to actually look into applying to FRCC now :) I know NOTHING about FRCC at all. If FRCC isn't a good fit, do you know if Metro State's courses would be a better option than CCD? I just realized the other day they have a nursing program and I will be applying there as well. I'm still researching that program :)
Hi JamieA0321,I just applied to CU's program (but haven't found out yet), so my info is CU specific. I don't have a previous degree so I had to take all the pre-reqs. Since you already have a degree, you would only need 4 (Anatomy, Physiology, Micro and Stats) I took my pre-reqs through ccconline which is a network of 14 colorado community colleges that have come together to offer an online option. You register with a 'home' college and it is them that you will pay your tuition and get your transcripts from. You will find in another thread about CU accepting ccconline classes. Someone kindly called and asked outright. They do accept ccconlnie classes and don't have a problem accepting classes from any of the 14 home colleges in the state (there are others of course!). This should give you two pieces of information. Firstly, they do accept community college classes and secondly, you also have the option of taking the pre-reqs online (since you said the others are full already). I have one last semester to go which starts on January 11th. You could get into this semester too and actually be finished your 4 pre-reqs at the end of summer. If you can't get everything together by then, there is a later start date that begins on March 1 and ends the same as the first session on May 9th.Just a bit of info for you, I hope it helps a little. If you want to know anything about the ccconline classes, just ask. I have done all of my pre-reqs online through ccconline, including AP and Micro, and have done well.
You will find in another thread about CU accepting ccconline classes. Someone kindly called and asked outright. They do accept ccconlnie classes and don't have a problem accepting classes from any of the 14 home colleges in the state (there are others of course!). This should give you two pieces of information. Firstly, they do accept community college classes and secondly, you also have the option of taking the pre-reqs online (since you said the others are full already). I have one last semester to go which starts on January 11th. You could get into this semester too and actually be finished your 4 pre-reqs at the end of summer. If you can't get everything together by then, there is a later start date that begins on March 1 and ends the same as the first session on May 9th.
Thanks! I was registered for online courses (Bio and Stats) but saw that Metro State specifically stated they would not accept online lab courses so I switched to a hybrid Bio course b/c I don't want to limit my options of admission strictly to CU, though that is my #1 choice. I would VERY MUCH prefer to take them online though (I'm a single Mom and work FT and am trying to get back into volunteering, too) I don't have much time for class and doing things after my son is in bed is the easiest, though I also don't want to shoot myself in the foot by taking them online and strictly limiting my options as far as applying to Nursing School. I'm worried enough about it as it is, lol. And, then finding a job, it's starting to panic me a bit.
Hi, Jamie. I wasn't recommending FRCC so much as the online option--which you say *would* be better for you. Dennis88 who posts on this board just got accepted at Metro, and did CCCOnline classes, I'm pretty sure. At the very least you could take statistics online.
Sometimes when a college says they won't accept "online labs" they mean they won't accept *virtual* labs as opposed to hands-on labs. CCConline requires hands-on labs that you do at home. Llg is the best advice for you right now: call Metro and ask them if CCConline Bio 201 & 202 count. These are not online labs: they are online courses with hands-on labs. Sand Dollar and I have both gone this route and can assure you about CU Denver & UNC accepting them.
I'm hoping Regis & Metro students with those courses speak up, too.
By the way, on my FRCC transcript it reads that I took 10 hours chemistry and 8 hours A & P with them, with full labs. Nowhere does it say that the courses were all delivered through CCCOnline.
Good luck!
Ah, OK, that make sense. I JUST saw this statement with Metro, which is why I changed. The campus is closed, so I can't call and talk to them, but was definitely going to call. So, if I register to take CCCOnline courses (I would be registering through CCD system) so would it show as CCD being my "home" school or could I choose another school?
Hi, Jamie. This is how it worked for me, and I'm assuming it still works for any of the systems;
1. You choose a "home college." This is the college that will keep track of your transcripts, collect your money, etc. I chose FRCC because it's nearby, but it's also spiffily organized. CCD might be just as good, or any other local community college.
2. You apply for admission to the home college.
3. You register for classes through the home college: when you look at all the sections available for, say, statistics, one or two of the sections available will be CCCOnline. Register for that section.
FRCC is pretty strict about enforcing prerequisites, and I had to take a placement test to get into A & P (BIO 201), because my introductory bio class was more than 7 years old. It wasn't an easy test, either. Some of the other colleges might not enforce them, but that's nothing I can speak to personally.
I have Pueblo CC as my home college, even though my home is in Brighton. I was temporarily living in Pueblo when I registered and haven't bothered to transfer to FRCC when I got back home - there is no need to since it's all online. I didn't have any Bio classes, so I just had to place into the Intro to Bio class with the regular accuplacer scores needed, no bio placement test for me, unlike Dina.
I am a SAHM Jamie, and the online classes have worked GREAT for me and my family. It saved me a huge amount of commute time which I could use to study instead, and the cost for the lab kit (which you have to pay for) would have been less than the gas used. It works great for me since I can be up before the kids and get in a few good hours of study before we start on their school (they both are in online schools). And, I can work up until dinner time and afterwards, whichever suits my schedule - I tend to use every available moment, but that's just me. It is highly adaptable and a great alternative to classrooms. As long as you are organized and self-motivated, you should do great.
And, just like Dina's, my transcript from PCC does not show my classes as being taken online or through ccconline. Metro wouldn't know if you drove to class or did your work in your jammies (which I do all the time!)
I'll be taking Stats in the first session this semester too, you will have to let me know if you stay in it, we can say hi there too.
82 Posts
Yes, I took a lot of my pre-reqs through CCCOnline and Metro accepted them, as did Regis and CU. I'm on the alternate list for Regis, and I haven't heard from CU yet although I don't expect to get in with my GPA, and it's moot since I'm starting at Metro in a couple of weeks. All my pre-reqs were through the CCs (mostly Aurora and a few at Araphoe) and neither Metro or Regis held it against me. I don't know if it makes a difference at CU or not, but I don't think it does. I can't imagine that it makes a difference which CC you take them at.
I will say I had a hard time with the A&P labs. I found doing dissections on my own to be difficult because I couldn't tell what I was looking at a lot of the time. I took A&P 2 as a hybrid and I got much more out of the labs.