Need advice regarding peer review


:crying2: Hi,

I was told by by NM I will be going before peer review because of several minor incidents. There was never any harm caused to a patient. The incidents were- failing to document and properly was a narcotic, two sedation drips were reversed in mcg/hr and mg/hr when a peer was helping me the bags got switched and I never caught it, verifying someone's mar missed the same mistake she did from pharmacy in transcription and used an unauthorized method to collect drainage and called the doctor afterwards and he didnt have a problem with it but a coworker wrote me up. The same coworker is the unit snich:angryfire . I have cut my hours back and started taking some remedial basic nursing courses before this peer review so It looks good and have also retained an attorney who specializes in this stuff. i'm just so stressed. Any advice would be nice...

Sounds like you are doing the right things. Glad you have an attorney looking after your it a nurse attorney? Take them with you to peer are within your rights to have representation there. Do exactly what your attorney tells you to do and say. Many peer review committees violate the nurses' rights and this is one way to fight them. Since they have a group of incidents expect they will attempt to show a 'pattern of bad practice dangerous to patients, with potential for harm'. Expect a report to the BNE. Peer review committees in Texas have an awful reputation, IMO. I tried to get on my hospital peer review but was turned down. I am 'too nice'. The ultimate nurse cannibalism exercise seems to be through Tx Peer Review. :(

Good luck to you and hope it turns out well..I was reported once (vindictively) and it came out in my was a gutwrenching ordeal though. Hang in there!

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