Need Advice Plz Help!


Hello fellow school nurses,

Just joined all nurses a few minutes ago and I heard that you guys give good advice. Well I need it! This is my 2nd year as a school nurse. In my district, there is 5 different schools 4 elementary schools K-8 and a high school. Last year I worked at one of the elementary schools and now I'm at one of the other elementary schools. So from the first day, I have been having issues with the Office Supervisor/secretary. She has been going over my head against my judgement. Example: First grader came in not feeling well. They didn't send her to me they, meaning her and the Assistant Principle, took it upon themselves and called her dad which is a teacher here at the school. So they had the child to come in the clinic, in which I'm sitting right at the door where you come in at, to lay down. Still no one said anything to me. So the child laid down and as soon as her head hit the pillow she was out. I took it upon myself and took her temperature and her temperature was 102.5...I'm like wow. So I politely said to both the Assistant Principle and Secretary if any child comes in sick could they plz send them to me because that's what I'm here for. The secretary said oh we just not use to having a nurse...okay...Another incident happen today I sent a student home last Friday not feeling well. Student back today which is Tuesday not feeling well states he has strep. Spoke to mom she states I told the SECRETARY Friday because he gave it to his brother and her. Nobody thought to let the nurse know so i can send out exposure notices. Spoke with the SECRETARY she said yeah she told me but I don't think Strep is a big deal and the only way you can get strep if you share utensils. But really....Have any of you school nurses have problems with the secretary or staff. I want to send a email about how important it is to report illness and etc..any advise is greatly appreciated sorry for the long rant!!

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

My suggestion is for the worry worts to lick a few doorknobs the first week they're there and get their exposure over with early.

Tell them to stop think if it as getting sick and start thinking of it as building immunity!


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