need advice for micro


Im taking micro and for some reason im not doing well on my lecture exams. I made a 93 in lab and failed both my lectures test. He drops one and i have three more test to go. Does anyone have any advice , can i still pass? Im really bummed this is my last pre req and im determined to pass.

I think it is interesting that you are doing so well in lab but not in lecture. Maybe you aren't studying all of the material. Why are you doing so well in lab? Do you study more for it instead of lecture? Do you understand that material better? Is the style of questions easier? What aren't you doing for lecture? I would make an appointment to see your instructor so that you can review your tests and figure out what you're missing. Is it that you think you are answering correctly but end up being wrong, or do you have no clue when you look at the answers and just go for whatever seems reasonable? What are your tests like? All multiple choice? Essay? Some people struggle with multiple choice (me!) and some people struggle with essays even though they know the material really well.

I have no idea if you can still pass the class because I don't know the percentages for each test and how all the grading adds up. I really encourage you to talk to your professor.

Thank you. Well The class consist of 5 lecture test and 3 lab and a final. His labs are very easy and those we had to write out. The lecture is all multiple chose and often i second guess myself but they arent from straight out of powerpoints :/ im hoping i do well on these next test and luckily The final is not comprehensive its a new test similar to The last one we will have :/ im very stressed over this class and im taking three other courses as well as a&p 2 which im doing fine in. I will take your advice though he is a great professor im just struggling for some reason.

I had a similar struggle with my anatomy class. My class had 4 exams total, but the lowest grade was dropped at the end of the semester. I performed poorly on my first exam, and I am normally a straight-A student. I was totally scared and confused that I did so poorly. It turned out that my professor did not write his exams based off the slides or even the text book. The exams were all multiple-choice and he wrote them himself, and purposely made the questions very difficult. As a result, I had to not only thoroughly study the slides, but I had to know the text book back-and-forth, research on the internet, and refer to other resources or books. I made sure I knew the material like a pro! I ended up getting all A's on all the remaining exams. I think my problem was that it took me some time to get used to my professor's teaching style and the level of depth he was expecting.

I don't know what your teacher is like or anything. But, if I were you, I would just make sure I studied like crazy. Make sure you know everything taught during class. Sometimes my professor would talk about something during class, but there would be no mention of it on the slide, and he would still test us on it. Know the text book, and look up stuff on the internet. There's actually some great stuff on Youtube too. I also used to make flashcards to study. Just make sure you know everything in depth, and don't only rely on your notes/slides.

I would also make an appointment to speak with the teacher about your concerns. Perhaps there is some extra-credit that he can offer you?

But, like I said, I don't know too much about your situation or your teacher, so I don't know if my advice will help. But that is my experience. Good luck!

Just letting you know that I am in the same situation. I'm an honors student and this is my last class to complete my pre reqs. This is the first time I have really struggled. Our exams are also multiple choice however, there are two essay format questions and some matching. I have an a in lab and I have a low C in the class. I study constantly...I make flash cards, take practice exams and quizzes, study the text, learn material online, make notes from lecture and I am still not doing well. My prof doesn't schedule appointments so I emailed him to discuss my concerns and asked if I could speak with him in person...he never replied back but spoke to me in class and basically said he had nothing to say and that he has no clue what to tell me and that it's not his job to tell me how to study and that he doesn't baby students. I've also had other issues with him as well but I don't want to go on a rant.

In all fairness though, he has a bad overall gpa and I was warned about him by many past students, as well as other professors. He is the only professor to teach micro at my college so I really thought I had no choice at the time. I should have taken the course at another college to be honest. I regret it! I was such a bad impulsive decision that will likely result in a bad grade and ruin my honor status.

The multiple choice exams in my course are really up in the air and very random. In fact, this past exam the majority of the class received low d grades and he told us how wonderful we did because we did better than his other class.Whenever a person asks for help he becomes angry and doesn't answer the question. He argues with students, talks about his other class horribly etc. A student asked a question during an exam and he lost it with her. His method of teaching is horrible so I am trying my best to use all my available resources to pass the class. Many are struggling in my class. I hate to blame a professor and I am by no means asking to be babied but in this situation the professors actions are impeding on students success. Ill be focusing much more energy and time on this course and try my best.

Good luck to you. I'll let you know if I think of anything else to better our grades. ;)

Good advice. In my course, I understand the concepts quite well but when it comes to the test, I struggle with the answers. I find many of them to be similar and I then doubt myself. I know it could possibly be a confidence issue, as I'm not too great at multiple choice but I've still managed good grades in the past by studying a great deal . I honestly feel as if there is no hope at this point.

I literally study every night for micro. I look over my notes at least once a day if not more. Also, even though the book is hard to understand, I'll read the assigned chapters as well. Our tests have been difficult but it's mainly memorization like A&p. good luck!!

Thank you everyone. Ive been studying everyday and trying to really understand it when im memorizing everything! My teachers explains everything really well hes test are just tough but im determinded to do well on these next test! Luckily my ap test is a different week this test so hopefully it will help me out :)

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