need advice about a job offer


I accepted a full time position at a local hospital. Am going in tomorrow for a physical and to fill out the paperwork. I am having second thoughts because I think I should have went per diem instead. I'm under my husbands benefits so I don't need that. I currently work per diem at another hospital and like the flexibility especially with an 11 month old. Obviously full time rate is much lower than per diem. How do I let them know that I want to go per diem instead of full time when I already accepted the full time offer.


Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I think the best way to handle it is to simply ask them in polite, straightforward way. Rather that telling tham that you have changed your mind, ask them what's possible, "Is it possible for me to switch to per diem at this time? if not, would it be possible in the near future?" See what they have to say in response to your question before making any decision.

For example, they may say it is no problem. Or they may say that it is out of the question for at least a year. Or, they may say something in between -- eg. full time for the first 6 months or something like that. Once you find out the facts, then you can think it through.

talk with them as soon as possible, they probably have a specific slot they are interested in putting you in so give them a chance to hire someone else

most hospitals have a need for prn or per diem nurses..i know that you will find a good niche

I'd ask them about it first thing in the morning. They may not want you to go ahead with the physical and paperwork, so I would ask about that also.

It seems kind of like a bait and switch, so I would have a good explanation ready when I called.

Specializes in ER/ICU/SUB-ACUTE.

Use The High Demand For Nurses To Get What You Want/need. Your Request Sounds Very Reasonable Considering Your Personal Situation.

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