Quick Background: 35 yo male. My wife is an OR nurse and has been her whole career. I have been reading the posts on this forum for a while and wanted to see if anyone would share their views. I have been accepted to Law School and am not sure the 60-hour weeks away from my family are acceptable but I would love the autonomy the work provides. The person I was before I started the journey of becoming a Lawyer is much different today. Money was the end all, to be all. Now I am leaning more towards what I can give, than what I can get. Because of this shift in thought and my wonderful wife I have been considering becoming an RN.
The first thing people usually say is that being an attorney or being an RN are so different how can I even consider the two. I contend that both professions exist to help people in their time of need. They both demand that you give of yourself and your compassion. But I think that you have to have a killer instinct in one of them. I will let you decide which.
Let me get to the issue at hand. I seem to hear everywhere that there is a nursing shortage and that hospitals are clamoring for nurses. Just this morning my wife calls me upset that yet again the hospital in a moment of genius has decided to take something else away from the nurses in the OR. The nurses have always had a morning break of about 15 minutes in the morning usually around 9 to take care of bathroom breaks and maybe a cup of coffee. The Docs complained to the hospital and the powers that be have decided, "No more morning breaks." Now I only share this story because to me it has been the same story I have heard from her and the other RN's I have known. It seems the hospitals value the RN's so very little and yet the RN's are the backbone of the institution. In other words I have never received a call or been told by another nurse, "Hey guess what the hospital gave us." But I have had many, many phone calls and conversations about what the hospital has decided to take away.
Even in the information sessions given by the local nursing colleges that I have attended there is an undercurrent of disdain for the prospective students. When I consider this together with the knowledge I have gleamed from current RN's it seems that the valuation of nurses is far below what it should be. My concern is that we all know s*** rolls down hill but it seems an unseemly amount lands on the nurses.
Is my perspective skewed? Am I seeing something that is not there? Am I not seeing something that is there? All of this information is from the females in my life, could that be coloring my perception? I just want to do something that at the end of the day I am proud of. I have went on long enough I really look forward to your responses.