Published Jun 16, 2018
1 Post
Hi, I've been a nurse for 5 years. The last 2 have been in utilization review sitting at a desk. The stress of being on the floor was immense so I chose review. I'm at a point where I need a change because I am a single mom and not making enough money. My floor skills are rusty to say the least. Does anyone have advice on how I can transition to floor nursing again, or a specialty that is lower stress? I'm afraid to jump right back into the hospital but I might have to do it. Thanks.
3,413 Posts
Enter something like "low stress nursing jobs" in the Allnurses search box. You will get a lot of ideas.
I was able to get a job in outpatient surgery after 5 years in management. I was afraid I had lost all my nursing skills. Outpatient surgery is a low stress, (I think), very easy job for a nurse. Also clinics that only do GI procedures or cataracts are low stress. I can't speak to their pay scale, it probably is lower than working in an acute care hospital.
983 Posts
I agree with brownbook. Pretty much outpatient clinic nurse will be your best bet. I absolutely enjoy outpatient Oncology and the pay
is excellent and I only work Monday thru Friday. The only drawback is that I continuously witness patients who I've built relationships with lose their battle with cancer.