Published Aug 7, 2017
2 Posts
Please help!!!!
Is it necessary to observe the patient after PICC line insertion? If yes then how many hours and is there any international guideline to support this?
Nurse Beth, MSN
145 Articles; 4,349 Posts
There's no specific requirement for patient observation, as it's not typically done under anesthesia or conscious sedation.
You want to observe the site regularly and assess at least q shift.
Obtain radiographic placement confirmation before using for infusions. Change intact transparent semipermeable dressings according to facility policy (often 5-7 days). Change gauze dressings every 48 hours.
Confer with the provider daily to see if the central line is still necessary- they are a source of infection.
My source is the Infusion Nurses Society (INS) :)
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,598 Posts
I work on an IV team and we do not have an observation period after PICC insertion. Generally we are in the room for another ten minutes or so after insertion cleaning up the mess and putting the signs above the patients bed. We order the chest X-ray and make sure it's placed correctly, then we will put a clear dressing on it, and possibly remove the guide wire if it was left in place, and move it if need be and then it can be used.
There is a risk of arrhythmia if the tip is in the right atrium instead of the vena cava, but we monitor the patient's rhythm during insertion so that shouldn't be an issue unless it migrates after the fact. Also there is a very small risk of bleeding at the site, but that is generally minimal.