Published Dec 3, 2004
141 Posts
Just wondering how your actual tests during nursing school compared with the NCLEX. Do you feel prepared? Is it easier, harder???????? I've never failed a test in nursing school, and I'll be entering my last semester in the spring but when I take the LSRN=Hesse, I always fail, any other expereinces???
22 Posts
The question in nclex are really simple and the options are really hard. The answer that you know they don't put the option usually (rare) So basically you have to know the topic really2 well. The test from school they make the questions is hard but the answer is there and you know the answer if you study from the handout. That;s my opinion so far. I never fail the school test but repeat nclex for 2 times already, and i did the 3 rd test lat tuesday. I haven't got my result yet. tommorow is my final day to know my result. If my name is not posted yet then bad sign already. Wish me luck...
Thanks for your reply and best of luck to. I bet you did fine.