Published Jun 17, 2014
1 Post
This is going to be kind of long.
So I have been in an LPN program for almost a year now and I am to graduate on July 25 of this year. To get your license you have to send in an application to the state for review in order to take the NCLEX to receive a license. However, I have a background, to make it short it includes misdemeanors such as a DUI, drug paraphernalia, and drug possession (Marijuana) .
At the time I was 18 and I didn't know my rights so I conformed to a urine test. I plead guilty and I was on unsupervised probation and I went to a rehab intervention weekend and with turned out very well. I am almost 24 now and everything has changed for me. I was never a drug abuser or anything, I just made a mistake. At the time I was just lost, I had an abusive boyfriend and I lived with him and felt like I had no one.. it was just not a good time. It's not an excuse it's just that my mind wasn't goal oriented at that point and I just lost myself.
Immediately after I was arrested for these I changed my life around.. I knew I was capable of more and that I didn't belong there. Now I am a responsible person .. I have kept a job for 5 years and I'm in good standing with my employer, I haven't even gotten a ticket since then and I have straight A's in my program. I intend on moving forward and becoming an RN. I applied for the PN-CLEX and the state sent me a letter stating that I needed to send in 3 letters of character recommendation in order to be even considered to take the test. I sent it in 2 weeks ago and I called the woman who is in charge of handling my case and she said that they haven't reviewed it yet and that it would take maybe 2 months to hear back. She said its a two step process in which they will send me a letter in the mail and ill receive something that I have to sign if they allow me to take the nclex.
My biggest worry is that they will just deny me and that I will have to attend a hearing and fight for it.. and even then they may still deny me. I graduate in July and I don't even know if I can take the test... I still have a month or so of class and it's just disheartening. I have tried so hard... I had depression for some of the program because I had to work while in school but I pushed myself anyways because I knew I could do it, but now this just stumps me. I know I should just go ahead and finish in the hopes that they may allow me to take it, but I just would be so brokenhearted if it didn't work out.
If anyone has been through a similar situation I would love to hear about how you handled it. Sorry this is a novel, thank you for reading
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
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