
Nursing Students NCLEX


hi everyone, i just took NCLEX yesterday and the computer shut off at 250+ ? im not sure if pass. those who got the same experience, i can tell how they felt.whew! most of them are priority questions,delegations, meds, some are psych, i got 2 select all that apply, i looked at myself infront of the computer during the test. i almost want to give up. i wish the computer will shut off so i could get some rest..but i told myself that im gonna fight to still thinking about the exam and i have doubt if i really pass cuz it cut off after the 3 priority questions then 1 pschy which i think...i didnt get the last one right.well im not sure . is it true that when u got the last question correct that means there's a possibility that u gonna pass? they said that if u got alot of priority questions that's a good sign.can anyone comment on this?

does anyone have the same experience i got..hope to hear from you guys

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