Published Jun 10, 2014
61 Posts
Hello everyone, I really appreciate this forum because it helped me a lot for me to get back on track. I graduate 2008 and had some difficulties in getting back on track with nursing. I started doing Hurst review last February. Read them like a 100x. Did the Q reviews and some KAPLAN Q-Trainers, NCLEX 3000 questions, NCSBN Q BANKS and Finished Lacharity Cover-cover.
My question, for those who took the exams. How do you think am I doing so far? Am I ready to kill the BEAST?
My hurst scores
Q1 - 69
Q2 - 70
Q3 - 70
Q1 - 70.5
Q2 - 69
Q3 - 50 (i was so sleepy here)
Q4 - 68
Avg. 60-63% (I find it a little difficult because of it's approach)
-Still not done with the Hurst Review and Kaplan Q trainers
What do you advice that I should do still for the last 2 weeks?
Please help!!
I'm believing by the Grace of God I'll pass this exams
Thanks so much in advance
105 Posts
I think your scores look good! Better than mine! lol I took the NCLEX yesterday and it shut off after 75Qs. I'm getting the "good" pop up, but am waiting just to be sure - but here are my Kaplan Scores:
Diagnostic: 56
Q1 First time: 50; Second time 71
Q2: 63
Q3: 53
Q4: 57
Q5: 56
Q6: 56
Readiness: 62%
Overall Q-banks was 59% with 100% completed.
It seems like you are doing very well!
I got my readiness score on Sunday then immediately rescheduled my NCLEX and took it the next day (yesterday). NOT that I would recommend that!! It was pretty risky. We'll see if it paid off.
My advice would be to keep doing questions. I did questions and read the rationales. Even if I only had time to do 10 to 15 questions, I would sit and do them if I had a free moment.
vanessaem, BSN, RN
151 Posts
Those scores look like you're ready. Good luck!