NCLEX RN Studying Tips


I just graduated May 3, and just waiting on my testing number. Just wanting some tips on how you prepared for the NCLEX. I know everyone is different and what works for some people may not work for someone else, but I guess I just need some piece of mind that I have done/am doing enough.

*I took Mark Klimek so I plan on looking over those books again for test taking tips.

*My school paid for anyone who wanted to take a three day review session called PEARLS of NLCEX, and it was a lot of information, but very good content and she did give us helpful pieces of information that we should just know.

*I have started the NCSBN review program from the makers of the NLCEX.

* I also plan on buying the newest edition of the Saunders NCLEX review because I hear the supplemental questions that come with it are very comparable to the NCLEX. If anyone has used this please let me know how these questions were.

Thanks in advance for anyone who replies to this! I know this is a pretty hot topic!


Specializes in Cardiac, ER, Pediatrics, Corrections.

Hi Kayla! I am in the same boat as you! I graduated May 3rd as well. (congrats! :)) I am using the saunders book for content and I LOVE the CD because it has all the questions on it. I am using NCLEX 3500, which is a website I googled and it has tons of questions. I really like their SATA. Finally, I am using Kaplan. I am VERY thankful for Kaplan. I took the prep course last week and now have all the questions to practice. This has been helpful to me. Still waiting on that ATT! WE CAN DO THIS! :)

I'm in the same boat as you as well. I also took Mark Klimek so we must be around the same area. I just wanted to mention this week I retook Mark and asked his opinion on good books to use to study and he mentioned that he hated the saunders book and also that he didnt reccommend the NCSBN program because i asked that specifically. He said that those questions are all the throughout questions that weren't good enough to be on boards. The 15 extra quetions everyone has to see if they are good questions, they are from, but ended up being not good questions. He said he really like the prioritize, delegate and assess book by lacharity, exam cram and also the Davis Q & A book.

Good luck!!!!!

Hey! Well I have started the NCSBN, and so far the questions are good. I mean how much different can the questions really be you know, but your probably right they were probably the throw out questions. I figure any questions are better than no questions. I am not really using the Saunders for content, but the questions from Saunders have been really great so far. Did he say why he did not like the Saunders book?

I am currently waiting for my testing date as well. I am taking the Hurst review this week. Next week Kaplan. Then in between reviews and work, I will be doing NCLEX questions from Saunders, Hurst, Kaplan, and other NCLEX question sources. I figure doing all of those, along with prayer I will be sure to pass on my first attempt.

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