NCLEX RN Eligibility For Foreign Nurses

World Registration


I'm a nurse in the Philippines and I'm planning to take the NCLEX RN exam here in CA. I had submitted all the requirements from my school all that's left is my application. I'm wondering if how'd I know if im eligible to seat down and take the exam? Or if I have to go school first? Cause I heard that they changed the standards during these previous years.. Thank you

I'm a nurse in the Philippines and I'm planning to take the NCLEX RN exam here in CA. I had submitted all the requirements from my school all that's left is my application. I'm wondering if how'd I know if im eligible to seat down and take the exam? Or if I have to go school first? Cause I heard that they changed the standards during these previous years.. Thank you

You'll know if you have educational difficiences and what they are when they CA BON informs you. It can certainly take a while, but they're the only reliable source of information.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Nurse Registration forum

Suggest checking out the several threads discussing this subject. Do you have a US SSN?

So i have to submit my application first? or I'll just wait for their update? how will they let me know?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

The board will not review anything without application and fees

One last thing how do i send my application?

i meant the fee

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

instructions will be on the BON website as will the application paperwork

Doesnt quite say how and where should i pay the application fee. ELIF pls ty

Start the application and you would get to where you you have to pay the fee. It's there in the application.

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