NCLEX-PN info wanted


Hi! Has anyone here taken the NCLEX PN to become an LPN while still going to school to earn an RN? I am looking for specific tips or info that might be helpful as I plan to do take the exam in a few months. Any good review books recommended?

I hear Kaplan is good it has questions that are more prirority driven and that the NCSBN web site is good I have Saunder's but I don't know if I should keep studying from that book or get something else.

Specializes in med surg, telemetry, stroke.

I graduated 11/18/05 and take NCLEX on 2/16. I first did the Delmar book, now I am halfway through Mosby's (alot of reading, but good review of everything) and plant to finish with Kaplan. I have heard we should go through at least 8000 questions before we take NCLEX. I have four weeks to go (stressed out!!!) and have probably gone through about 5,000. I work each day on the CDs from Delmar and Mosby's too. Probably spend about four hours a day. I am also taking my prereqs for RN (currently just Chemistry) so I have that to deal with too. Good luck to you guys. I hope I can pass first time. My daughter is in the second semester of RN program also. Take care.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Old thread alert! :stone

This thread is nearly 5 months old. :rolleyes:

Please help: anyone here already take Hesi exit exam?

:balloons: :rolleyes: :o :o anyone took Hesi exam exit?

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
:balloons: :rolleyes: :o :o anyone took Hesi exam exit?

BTW what is the Hesi exam?

BTW what is the Hesi exam?

hesi is the exit test you took at the end before graduation for lpn program.

Specializes in med surg, telemetry, stroke.

We did not take that at the end of our LVN program. We only had finals we had to pass as well as clinical check-offs. But my daughter who is in RN school has had hesi tests all along her program to track her progress. Not sure what state you are in, maybe California is different (where I am)?

hesi is the exit test you took at the end before graduation for lpn program.

I took the hesi exam. It wasn't that bad. Most people say if you do well on the hesi the nclex is easy. I don't know. I did well on the hesi and I am scheduled to take my nclex next tuesday. We'll see how it goes. I am nervous about it.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

I liked the NCLEX PN Made Easy review book.

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