nclex frequent topic question CLARIFY


Specializes in none, still looking.

FVD and FVE are topics that I would like to know I understand, but when I put DI or SIADH questions in with the topics I can get confused.

DI urine low (decreased), blood high FVD

SIADH urine high, blood low FVE

But if FVD is improving you should see decreased SG of urine, and decreased HCT, but why would you want decreased SG if it is already decreased.


Specializes in L&D, Research, Midwifery Student.

When I think of DI I think of this picture from nursing school of this naked little boy squatting, drinking from the water hose while urinating at the same time - this is DI. With DI you are losing a lot of water (dehydration or FVD) so your urine is dilute and your blood is concentrated. Concentrated makes numbers go up and diluted makes numbers go down. Therefore your urine SG will be low (since it is so diluted) and your blood #s will be high (since it is so concentrated).

In SIADH, you have too many letters = too much H2O. Because you are in FVE with too much water your urine is going to be very concentrated (remember your body is holding on to it by secreting too much ADH). B/c your urine is concentrated your SG will be high. Your blood will be diluted then and your numbers will be low.

Does that make since? It's hard to type it out, but it helps me if I write it out with arrows. DI = FVD = dilute urine/low SG, concentrated blood/high hct. ADH = FVE = concentrated urine/high SG, dilute blood/low HCT. HTH!

Specializes in none, still looking.

thank you for replying:lol2:

But I have a sample kaplan test question that said if FVD is improving then test would show:

decreased SG of urine, decreased hct

but if the urine is already dilute how can it be, understand the hct part, though.

Also, what nclex classes did you take?

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